Family Reunion

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I have another revision for my left knee, and at the same time the crew is having a meeting with commander Sato. Man, I really wanted to go!!

But I guess some things are just priorities...

"Your knee has shown improvement," the droid says. "We will continue your therapy until the knee reaches its maximum point of recovery."

"Will it go back to normal?"

"I'm afraid," the droid continues, "that there will be a number of things you may not be able to do. Landing on your left leg after an acrobatic landing, for example, or shifting your weight on that leg for long periods of time. Sometimes escalating will bother you, but that will not be harmful. Running, walking, and jumping as long as you do not land entirely with you left leg will be permited."

"Thank you," I say. Welp, that's a bummer.

I suppose I'll just ged used to it. I put the fabric back on my knee and walk out of the med bay. 

Ezra's waiting out there for me, and when he sees me, he smirks dreamily.

"Hey there, Bright Eyes."

I walk up to him and hug him tightly. "Hey there, Blueberry."

He chuckles. "How'd it go?"

"Well," I sigh, "I'm going to need this therapy a while more. After that I'll be fine, I'm just gonna have to avoid rough landings."

"That can be done."

"Yeah. So fill me in on the meeting."

He kisses my forehead. "Well, Sato's talking about finding a base, so Ahsoka suggested we find a friend of hers to help us out with that."

"Another Jedi?" I ask.

"I don't think so. She mentioned you a couple of times though."

"Huh... well, when do we leave?"

"In a few minutes," he grabs my hand and takes me over to where the Ghost is. We go in, and Zeb, Kanan and Hera are already there waiting for us, along with Ahsoka.

"How do we find this friend of yours?" Kanan asks.

Ahsoka takes out a droid head. "This can lead us to him." She looks at it with a nostalgic smile. "It found me and my master a few times when we didn't want to be found."

She sets it on top of the dashboard of the Ghost, and then starts to walk away.

"You're not coming with us?" I ask her.

She smiles softly at me. "No, there are some things I need to attend to."

"The Sith lord?"

She closes her eyes. "There are questions. Questions that remain unanswered."

Huh, you're tellin' me.

"I really wish we could go with you," Ezra says.

"You have your own mission, Ezra," she replies softly. "And Kanan, when you meet my friend, trust him."

"If he's everything you say he is," Kanan smiles, "I don't see why not."

"Trust him," she emphasizes. "Laurel?"


"Say hello to him for me."

The door closes. Ezra and I exchange looks and shrug, and then sit down.

"What was that all about?"

"No idea."

Hera unhooks from the rebel ship and makes the jump into hyperspace. Ezra and I go over to my bedroom to wait. We talk about whatever comes on our mind, and sure, we sneak in a few kisses and touches here and there.

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