Definition of Love

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Ezra barely slept at night. When we were out watching the moons set, it was clearly close to morning. If anything he got to rest for three, maybe four hours.

But I could hear him sniffing every now and then in his sleep.

Finally I managed to fall asleep too, spooning, this time him in my arms. When I wake up to the sunlight in my eyes, I see he's sitting at the foot of one of the big rocks here with Chopper. I get out of the tent and walk over to him, and sit down next to him without saying a word.

I close my eyes and feel the soft wind blowing through my hair, and hope desperately that my presence will help him in someway.


I open my eyes and look at him softly. "Yeah?"

He looks out at the distance. "What happens now?"

I sigh. "We keep fighting. The war's not over, after all. It's in our hands to save as many people as we can."

"Like your mother," he says.

I gasp slightly, but then I smile. "For example."

Another long moment of silence, until he looks at me.

"Thank you."

I smile. "You're welcome, Blueberry."

"I promise," he says, "this won't be the same to happen to you."

I feel a pang of worry, but also releif that I have Ezra with me.

"Sweetie," I take his hand. "Can I tell you something?"

"Sure," he replies.

"You," I begin, "are the strongest, bravest, kindest person I know. I'm proud of you, Ezra. I love you deeply... heh, you're the love of my life, you know that?"

He lets out a weak chuckle, and then I can see some tears forming in his eyes.

"Oh, no, honey don't cry-"

He buries his face on my shoulder. "It's alright, I'm just... I'm glad you came."

I sigh. "Ezra... I'll go with you anywhere. Besides, I had to come, you and I are the inseparable couple, remember?"

"I didn't just mean here," he lifts his face up to look at me. "I meant into my life."

I pull him into a tight hug and stroke his hair. "I'm glad you came too."

Ezra leans comfortably in my arms, and he doesn't cry anymore. He doesn't say anything either, and I really don't expect him to right now. I can't imagine the pain he's going through... I just have to be there for him.

"Ezra! Laurel!"

It's Kanan, he's calling to us, and Azadi's with him.

"Our rendezvous will leave shortly," he says. "We should probably go now."

"But they'll recognize you," Azadi warns.

"In these clothes, maybe," Kanan says. "But who's going to recognize an extra trooper and cadets?"

Kanan hands us two some spare academy helmets. Ezra grabs his and gets up. 

"Great," he says, and walks into the hut to change.

Kanan walks over to me. "How's he doing?"

"He'll need some time to recover," I reply. "But I think taking him to a mission will do him good. I hope."

"Yeah," Kanan replies. "I hope so too. Anyway, go and change. We leave in five."

"Got it," I say.

(A/N: Yeah, short chapter. Very short. Sorry 'bout that, this was just like a transition)

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