Innocence of a Child

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We're on the planet Garel, where the crew places the Ghost when there's no need to keep it out in space. Things have been a little more calm since we destroyed that gravity well, at least for us it has.

I'm with Ezra cleaning Chopper up, when I notice that Ahsoka arrives all of a sudden, and Kanan is at the ramp of the Ghost greeting her.

I manage to make out a few of the things they're saying.

"What I'm about to say is Jedi business."

"I guess I qualify then."

Ahsoka chuckles. "You qualify more than I do."

The two of them walk into the Ghost, leaving me and Ezra looking after them closely.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Ezra chuckles. "Oh, yeah. Technically, we're Jedi too."

"Let's go then."

Ezra and I leave Chopper to move about freely and we quietly get inside the Ghost. My gut tells me that they went to the bedrooms, so we head there. They're inside Kanan's room (don't tell Hera).

I lean my ear up against the door, and so does Ezra.

"I have a set of two coordinates and I'm on my way to check the first one," Ahsoka says.

"And you want me to check the second," Kanan finishes. "I'm in."

"Good," she replies. "Take both of your Padawans with you."

"No problem, they're already briefed on the mission anyway."

Just then, the door opens and Ezra and I fall to the floor in a compsomising position.

"Eh-- hi there!"

"I told you two not to make out in the halls!"

Ezra and I look at Kanan wide eyed and red faced.

"We weren't making out!"

"Yet," Ezra finishes.

I chuckle and get up. 

"Well, you did say this was Jedi business."

Ahsoka smiles kindly at me, and then looks back at Kanan. "You should take Zeb with you too. He already proved himself once against the Inquisitors."

"So where are we going?" Ezra asks. 

"The planet Takobo," Ahsoka replies. 

"Fair enough," Kanan says. "We'll find whatever it is they're after."

"I'm sure you will," Ahsoka says with one final smile and leaves the Ghost.

Kanan looks at us suspiciously.

"Kanan, we weren't making out!"

"Sure you weren't," he says. "Let's go."

I glare at him as he leaves.

Ezra pops up behind me. "Hey, Laurel? We probably should!"

I elbow his chest gently when I see Kanan rolling his eyes at us with a laugh, and we follow him into the Phantom.

Zeb meets us there and he's brought Chopper along with him. Kanan sets the coordinates to this planet Takobo and we leave at once. Thanks to hyperspace, it doesn't take us so long to arrive either.

At first glance, the city we have to go to is really beautiful. It has a sort of mystic touch to it, which is aided by the sight of the planet's moons in the sky. However, when we land the Phantom, it looks like a regular city with regular people.

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