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"Hey dad, just let me start by saying I'm sorry I haven't contacted you in a while. Welp... still no leads on ma. But we'll find her. Anyway... remember I was telling you about the force? Well, I've started training with Kanan to be a Jedi. Some weeks ago, I even went to a Jedi temple and made my own lightsaber. It's blue. 

"Also... don't get all jealous dad on me but Ezra and I are kind of a thing... Yeah, we are. Heh... it's not just a little crush though. I think I'm really starting to love him. Not to mention... it's part of the Force's will for us. If we're together we can actually represent a hope for the Force. So that's what's new with me... Hope to hear from you soon."

The hologram's stopped recording and I'm ready to transmit the message to my dad. Now, I have to go outside to train with Ezra and Kanan in Form V training, now with our very own lightsabers.

I put my helmet on and join Ezra in the middle of Sabine and Zeb, who are shooting stun blasters at us.

By the way, my helmet's the same one I took from the Academy, and I had Sabine paint it with markings similar to those my dad had on his during the clone wars.

"How's it going, Blueberry?" I stand back to back from him.

"Pretty good," he replies.

"I'd say the opposite," Kanan says. "Ezra, you've got the blocking set but you've yet to hit the target."

The target is an empy stormtrooper helmet on a rock.

"Yet," Ezra replies. "The key word is yet."

Kanan signals Sabine and Zeb to stop shooting.

"What's distracting you so much today?"

"I just don't wanna miss senator Trayvis's transmission."

"But we don't even know if he's gonna transmit," I say. 

"He's been broadcasting more and more lately," Ezra replies, "I get the feeling he will today."

"For now, let's just keep training," Kanan says.

Sabine and Zeb resume their blasting, and I try hard to focus and hit the target, but it's a lot harder than it seems. 

Then, Ezra starts to deflect every blast to the helmet on the rock, which is really impressive. But... as soon as he does, I get a strange feeling. It's like a disturbance in the Force.

"Blueberry?" I call to check if he's okay.

Then, Ezra starts to collapse.

"Ezra!" I say alarmed and break his fall before he hits the ground. He looks like he's passed out, and the feeling I got is a lot stronger. Then, he wakes up with a yelp and then rubs his head panting. I help him sit up.

"I got stunned, didn't I?" He says.

"No..." I reply. "You deflected every blast to the target."

"I... I saw something," Ezra says.

"You had a vision?" Kanan asks, concerned.

"Of Trayvis," Ezra replies. "He- He knew my parents!"

I gasp, and help him up. "Are you sure?"

"It felt so real," he replies. "You were there, Lau. And Kanan, and Sabine! You were sneaking around in the dark and there were stormtroopers everywhere!"

"Sounds like a pretty average day," Sabine says.

"Except Senator Trayvis was there, fighting alongside us. And he said he knew my parents!"

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