The Shadow

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We took the Phantom and now we're flying through hyperspace. I'm holding Ezra's hand tightly, and looking at him now and then.

I'm just glad we're together.

After all, there's hope as long as we are.

"Why was everyone so worried every time we mentioned Malachor?" Ezra asks.

"Malachor was always off limits to Jedi," Kanan responds. "We were told many stories and legends in the temple as younglings."

"And there is always a bit of truth in legends," Ahsoka finishes.

Ezra and I exchange looks, when the Phantom jumps out of hyperspace, and there it is: Malachor.

The feeling I get when I see it is... horrible. The planet itself is dark; the brightest "color" in its atmosphere is a stormy shade of gray. It's like something there is waiting for us...

I feel it.

Kanan flies the Phantom into the atmposhere of Malachor, and things don't exactly change for the best. The dense gray clouds block our view making every moment tense.

Chopper starts ringing in telling us he's picked up a ship.

"Think you could tell us where it is?" I ask him.

Chopper denies.

I sigh. "We might as well find what we're looking for fast, we might not be the only ones."

"What exactly are we looking for?" Ezra asks. "It's something to help us destroy the Inquisitors, right?"

Ahsoka nods. "Knowledge."

Kanan lowers the ship and we're now able to see a more open view of a plain with several pillars on it.

"What is that?" I ask.

"We're about to find out," he replies.

Kanan lands the Phantom there and we all step out quietly (Chopper remains in the ship as usual). The first thing we do is walk up to one of the pillars only to find that it has writing on it.

"It's in the old tongue," Ahsoka says. 

"Can you read it?"

"I can try," she says and watches it closely. "It's a very old form, though..."

Ahsoka tries to decipher the old language while the rest of us wait. Then, Ezra lifts his head slightly.

"Do you feel that?" He asks.

"What?" I feel something a little strange, but up until now I just thought that was the eerie feeling that this planet's giving me.

Ezra holds out his hand towards the pillar. Ahsoka tries to stop him, but she can't. As soon as Ezra lays his hand on it, the print of it glows red and the ground starts creaking below us, only for it to break and send us falling down to a pit.

The four of us fall with a loud thud after screaming in surprise. I sit up painfully rubbing my knee. Now, that wasn't good for it.

I grunt and try to get up, when Ezra comes to help me.

"You alright?"

I bounce a little. It hurts slightly, but it's not unbearable.

"I think I can manage," I tell him.

The four of us walk deeper into the place. It's... awful. Everything is dark, and the only sources of light are the small holes on the cieling.  Way at the end of this "cave" or whatever it's called is a huge pyramid structure.

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