Sorrow and Light

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In the middle of my sleep, I hear Ezra's soft voice. He's only grunting slightly, but not saying anything.

And then...

"Mom...? Dad...!"

The next thing I hear is a loud thud and a yelp of pain.


I sit up with a start and look over the edge of my bed, where Ezra now lies on the ground. I climb down and help him sit up. He rubs his head.

"Did you hit your head?"

"No, I... Laurel, I had a vision!"

I gasp. "A-A vision?"

"My parents... I saw them!" 

He runs out the door, and I chase after him.


He reaches the common room, where Kanan and Hera are sitting on the table, despite it being night time.


I catch up to Ezra and put my hands gently on his shoulders.

"Kanan my parents! I saw my parents!"


"I had a vision!"

Hera and Kanan gasp slightly.

"Ezra, remember..." Kanan tries to calm him down. "Visions inspired by the Force are not always literal."

"I know, but I-I saw them!" He insists. "They were in some sort of imperial prison, they were alive, and I saw this Loth cat too, Kanan, it felt so real!"

Kanan looks over at Hera, who nods at him.

"I think it's time to show him."

"Show me what?"

Hera and Kanan stand up and gesture for us to follow them. Hera leads us to one of the control rooms of the Ghost.

"Ezra, remember when Tseebo said he knew what happened to your parents?"

"Yeah," he says, "I just didn't want to hear it..."

"Well..." Hera projects the hologram of a planetary map. "They were taken to an imperial prison."

"One of how many?" Ezra says. "Where would we even start?"

"I don't know..." Hera says. "We checked with every smuggler, every pirate we knew, even Senator Organa helped us with information he had, but we couldn't find them. I'm sorry..."

Ezra looks at the planetary map, and then over at Hera.

"Thank you," he says.

Hera smiles, a sad smile. Ezra walks out holding my hand, and we go back to my bedroom.

"Ezra..." I say after closing the door.

"I know I saw them, Laurel."

"I know you did," I sit next to him. "We're going to find them, even if it means stealing the Phantom and traveling the galaxy on our own."

His blue eyes show a spark of hope. "Do you really mean that?"

I kiss his forehead. "Of course I do, Blueberry."

I pull him down to lie down on the bed and hug him lovingly running my fingers stroking his hair. Ezra soon falls asleep in my arms. Whatever we have to do, I'll do it with him. For him. 

The morning after, I wake up and Ezra's already gone. If I didn't know him better, I'd say...

I make my way to the top turret of the Ghost, and there he is, witnessing the picture of his parents that I retrieved from his old home.

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