Chapter 3

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the mans grip lightened around your waist, Jin pulled you back towards himself. "Are you okay Y/N?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Jin..." you assured Jin.

The man chuckled, "Thanks." He whispered in your ear that send shivers down your spine.

You watched at the man walk into the crowds, "That was weird..." you whispered to yourself.

"Y/N I think we should head home, it's getting a bit late." Jin suggested as he looked at his watch.

"Alright." You walked towards the exit of the shop while you thanked the workers for their hard work.
Once you reached home you ran to your room and flopped down on your bed. Jin followed and put your bags on your desk.

"My lady, I will get changed and make you lunch." Jin bowed to you before leaving the room.

You sighed as you rolled over on your bed. You looked at your ceiling with a blank expression... why can't I get him out of my mind...?

"My lady..." Jin entered you room. He saw you staring at your ceiling and became worried, "Are you okay My lady?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." You mumbled still looking at the ceiling with a blank expression.

Jin placed down a plate of cubed fruits, "Eat this," he said, "I'm really sorry for what happened, I should've stayed closer to you."

"Jin it wasn't your fault." You laughed, "I'm just sad we didn't get you a mattress." You lied. You were actually frustrated, you couldn't get that mans face out of your mind. His touch and smirk was stuck in your brain.

"Ah, Lunch will be ready soon." Jin smiled, and left the room.

You took a deep breathe and left the room.

You walked down the cold stairs and into your kitchen. Jin was setting down your meal while the maids set your father's and his wife's.

Jin pulled out a chair for you, "Thanks Jin." You sat down.

Jin stood on the side while you began eating. You felt the sudden awkwardness flood over the table.

"So Y/N, how was today?" Your father asked.

"Good." You replied.

"Y/N don't be rude to your father." His wife hissed.

You rolled your eyes, "You're not my mother, don't tell me what to do." You spat back at her.

"Y/N! Go to your room right now!!!" Your father shouted in anger.

"Fine! I hate this house anyway!" You stormed back into your room, as Jin followed.
You threw yourself onto your bed. "I HATE MY LIFE!" You screamed into your pillow. You knew there was people who had worser lives then you do, you were just over exaggerating. But, you also remembered that lie you just need to keep in because you love your father. If only he knew that his wife just wants his money.

"My lady..." Jin stood besides your bed.

You looked up at him with teary eyes, "Jin..."

He smiled, "Yes my lady?"

"Hug me."
A/N: I'm so evil, I'm sorry! 😂 I'm sorry for late updates Author-Nim loves you 💞

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