Final Chapter

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~5 years later~

"Dinners ready!" Jin called out to you from downstairs. You were in your bedroom, changing your and Jin's daughter into her dress.

Your daughters name was Kim Ji Soo. She is a year old and pretty much acts like Jin but looks like you. She has a big appetite and she loves to watch Jin cook. Of course she has some of his facial features which makes her more beautiful.

It's been three years since you and Jin had gotten married. You and Jin had saved up money to buy your own house and now you guys were living together as a happy family.

Jin got a job at your father's company while you graduated college and then had Ji Soo so you became a stay at home mom. You planned to get a job once Ji Soo begins school and you have some free time.

"Come on Ji Soo~ your daddy made dinner." You smiled, picking her up and walking downstairs. (A/N: Ima scream if there's a comment like 'oh he's daddy alright' xD)

Jin was standing in the kitchen besides the stove, wearing his apron that had the words 'Kiss the cook' printed on it.

You smiled and placed Ji Soo in her chair, then sat in your own.

Jin placed a plate of dinner in front of you and kissed your cheek, "Eat lots! You look exhausted lately."

You nodded, smiling. You picked up your fork.

Jin sat down in front of Ji Soo and fed her the baby food he mashed up for her.

"What'd you mush up for her this time?" You looked at him, chewing with your mouth full.

Jin smiled and fed her another spoon full then looked at you, "carrots." He replied then poked your cheek, "Don't eat with your mouth full." He chuckled.

You nodded and continued eating dinner.

This was just a normal day. Usually you and Jin would take turns cooking meals and feeding Ji Soo. For example, he'd cook breakfast and you'd feed Ji Soo but tonight Jin wanted to give you a little break.

"Jin aren't you going to eat?" You asked, picking up Ji Soo. Ji Soo was smiling and holding her arms out.

Jin shook his head, "I'm not hungry! Besides, you ate lots and I'm happy." He hugged you and Ji Soo in his arms.

There was a sudden knock at the door, you and Jin both turned your heads then looked at each other. Jin checked the door while you watched. Ji Soo giggled and placed her hands on both your cheeks causing you to smile.

Jin opened the door and Yoongi was there, "I'm hurt. I wasn't invited to your wedding."

Jin stood there shocked.

"Jin, who is-" you peeked over his shoulder and saw Yoongi.

Yoongi saw you and smiled, "Oh Y/N!" He waved, "Is that your baby?" He pushed Jin who was still frozen on place to the side and walked in.

Yoongi smiled and poked Ji Soo's cheek, as if it was a normal thing he did.

"Yoongi? I thought you left..." you tilted your head.

Ji Soo giggled, holding her arms out to Yoongi.

Yoongi held Ji Soo in his arms and showed her his gummy smile.

Jin walked besides you, while you watched Yoongi bond with your child so well.

"I heard you and Jin got married and had a kid." He looked at you and Jin, "I was hurt I wasn't invited to anything." He chuckled.

"We didn't want to bother you, sorry." You apologized and nudged Jin.

"Yeah. We heard you were busy." Jin shook himself out of his thoughts and apologized.

Yoongi shrugged, "Its fine." He looked
Over to you, "Imagine how our child would look." He winked.

Jin glared at Yoongi and took Ji Soo away, "Pfff yeah right! Look at Ji Soo, she's so beautiful!"

You giggled and kissed Jin's cheek, "Don't get jealous."

"Oh! Your dad is on his way too." Yoongi said, pointing his thumb towards the door. "I saw him at the convenience store on the way here."

You and Jin exchanged glances and sighed, "I'll get Ji Soo's outfit." Jin handed you Ji Soo and walked upstairs.

"Her outfit?" Yoongi questioned as he followed you to the living room.

You began undressing Ji Soo, "My father bought her an outfit, he loves to see her in it." You slightly grinned.

"Y/N~! Jin~!" Your father welcomed himself in. He had a pink bag full of goodies.

Jin ran downstairs and took Ji Soo from you, putting on her outfit.

"Hi, Father!" You hugged him.

He handed you the bag and smiled, "Where's my son in law and my granddaughter?" He asked.

You smiled, "In the living room."

Your father nodded, running to the living room and greeted Yoongi along the way.


You and Jin sighed, falling into the couch. Everyone left and Ji Soo had fallen asleep in her crib.

Jin had finished cleaning while you put Ji Soo to sleep. Now it was relax time for you.

"Hey." You looked at Jin.

He looked at you, "Yes?"

"Should we get a butler?"

Jin shook his head, "Absolutely not! I will be your butler! Who knows what-"

You cut him off by kissing his lips, "Jeez I was joking." You laughed.

Jin grinned and pulled you into a hug, "Any commands? My lady."

A smile crept upon your lips, "I command you to love me and only me."

Jin shocked his head, "I'm afraid I can't do that."

You frowned at his response, "Why?"

Jin pointed upstairs, "There's a little girl that I also love." He smiled, "Am I allowed to love both of you?"

You nodded and smiled brightly, "I love you, Jin."

"I love you too, My lady." He kissed your forehead as you rested your head on his shoulder.

The king found his queen, and with that, they made a little princess who will soon find her prince.

~The End~

A/N: TBH this ending was sucky, I know... BUUUT! I really hope you guys enjoyed this fanfiction. I tried my best and poured my heart into this. I love you guys soooo much! Thank you for voting and commenting <3 you guys comment such nice things and it makes me want to write more.

Thank you,

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