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"Mila! Truth or Dare?" Dinah asked. We were starting to get drunk from the wine and got even tipsier when Camila pulled out a bottle of tequila. "Dare." Camila slurred. I watched Dinah give Normani a smug look then looked back at us. "I dare you to kiss Lauren." Dinah said. "Okay, Laur?" Camila called. "Yea Camz?" I asked, leaning towards her. "Dinah wants us to kiss." She said. "Then we'll kiss." I replied, pressing my lips onto hers, tasting wine and tequila on her lips.

I heard Dinah and Normani cheer as Camila straddled my waist and slipping her tongue into my mouth. I felt my cock twitch in my jeans as her hips were pressed flushed against mine. "Big." She mumbled against my lips and pulled away, winking at me. I stared at Camila with droopy eyes as my lips continue to tingle. "Was the kiss good?" She asked and I nodded, taking a sip of my tequila. "Okay, Camila, spin the bottle!" Dinah said. I watched the bottle spin and it landed on me. "Truth or Dare?" Camila asked. "Dare." I replied, placing my head on the couch. "I dare you to-" "TAKE OFF YOUR JEANS!" Dinah yelled. "DINAH IT'S MY TURN TO GIVE A DARE." Camila yelled back.

"YOUR DARES ARE STUPID!" Dinah yelled. "FINE! TAKE OFF YOUR PANTS LAUR!" Camila said and I laughed. "Okay." I replied, taking off my belt and unbuttoned my jeans before taking them off.  I sat back down in my black boxer briefs and covered myself with the cushion. "YOU'RE HUGE!" Dinah screamed and Normani quickly covered her mouth. "Babe, I think you should put the drink down because it's time to go home." Normani said. "No! I'm not drunk." Dinah protested. "Yea, but it's getting late." She explained. I looked down at my cup then at Camila who was staring at me. "Hey." I said and she smiled at me. "Hi." She replied.

I moved closer to her and tossed the cushion behind me to grab my glass of tequila. I looked back at Camila to see her staring at my crotch and I blushed. "It's rude to stare." I said and she looked up at me. "Sorry." She replied, blushing a little. "Guys, we're going home." Normani said. "What about me?" I asked. "If you want to handle a drunk Dinah, you can join the fun. I'm not going back to my apartment, I'm going to Dinah's." She replied. "You can sleep over if you want." Camila offered. "I'll stay with Camz then." I said. "Don't get pregnant Mila!" Dinah slurred her words as Normani helped her up. "Go get an Uber, don't drive." Camila said and Normani nodded as she dragged her girlfriend out of the door.

"How is Mani sober after all that alcohol?" I asked, staring at the closed door. "How are you such a good kisser?" Camila asked and I looked over at her. "You think I'm a good kisser?" I asked and she nodded, scooting closer to me so our knees are touching. "Well, I think you're a great kisser." I said, picking up my glass to see it's empty. She took the glass from my hand and straddled my waist. "I want to kiss you again." She said, holding onto the couch I was leaning on to keep her balance from all the alcohol she has consumed. "Then kiss me." I replied.

She pressed her lips onto mine and I placed my hands on her slender waist. I felt her tongue running over my bottom lip and I let her tongue slip into my mouth. I gently sucked on her tongue and she let out a muffled moan, turning me on slightly and her hips that were pressing against mine didn't help. "Let's go to my room." She said, getting up from the floor. "What about the mess?" I asked. "I'll clean up tomorrow, come on." She said, grabbing my arm and bringing me to her bedroom. I sat down on the edge of the bed with Camila standing in between my legs. "Are we doing this right now?" I asked. "Do you want to?" She asked, running her hand through my hair. "Well...I'm..." I scratched the back of my neck. "It's okay, let's just go to bed." She said. "I'll take the couch." I replied, getting up. "No, no, no, you can sleep here." She said, pushing me down back onto the bed. "Okay." I replied, lying down. She walked over to the other side of the bed and laid down.


I woke up with a pounding headache and no recollection of what happened last night. I noticed I had my shirt on but no pants and I began to panic. I sat up and noticed a sleeping brunette on the bed which made me panic even further. I realised the girl was Camila and calmed down slightly, remembering a little bit more about last night. I left the room to find my jeans on the couch and picked them up to get my phone. I looked through my phone to see a missed call from my mom and I quickly called her back.

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