forty three.

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[six months later.]


Camden Lara Cabello-Jauregui.

That's the name Camila and I agreed on.

"Yay! Good job Cammie!" I said as she crawled towards me. She had a smile on her face then I placed her onto my lap. "What baby?" I asked as she started mumbling gibberish. "I'm so glad to have you." I said, kissing the top of her head. Leo walked past and Lara reached out to touch him. "No, Cam, you need to be gentle, like this." I grabbed her hand and guided her to stroke Leo's body. "Gently." I reminded as I let go of her hand and she continued stroking the dog.

Leo got shook by the baby then walked off, settling for the corner in the room. Lara was about to put her hand in her mouth and I stopped her. "Nope, you got to wash your hands baby girl." I said, carrying her to the kitchen. I turned on the faucet and ran her hands through the water. She started giggling at the feeling of the water and I smiled.

"Let's go see Mama okay?" I said as I strapped the baby into the baby car seat. Camila was at rehearsal for her very first live performance coming up and I promised to pick her up once she's done.

"Cammie, you have to be quiet, we're going to surprise Mama." I said as we walked down the hallway. She started blabbering on and I shook my head. "You're going to blow our cover baby girl." I said, kissing her cheek and opened the door to the studio. The music stopped when I walked in and Camila looked over. "Cammie!" A smile appeared on her face as she ran towards us. She took the baby from me and started pepping kissing all over the baby's face which made Camden giggle.

"Hi." I said. "Hey baby." Camila replied, kissing me. "Come on Mila, one more run then we can wrap this up." Camila's choreographer said. "Okay! Watch me?" Camila passed Camden to me and I nodded, taking a seat. The music started playing, I placed Camden on my lap and watched as I Have Questions started playing.

It was heartbreaking at first when I listen to this song and knowing that Camila wrote it when we broke up. But seeing her sing with so much passion made me smile. "What's up Lauser? Hi princess!" Dinah sat down next to me and took Camden from me. Camden recognised the Polynesian woman and smiled. Dinah continued entertaining my baby and I watched Camila perform.

Camila finished her performance then ran back to me. "How was it?" She asked. "Great, I love it. You're amazing baby." I replied, kissing her.

"Dinah, I want my daughter back."

"No, you see your daughter everyday, let me play with her for a bit."

"I want to hold her I've been rehearsing for hours now, let me hold my daughter."

"You have Lauren, hold her."

"Ew, I don't want Lauren."

"Wait, you don't want me?" I asked. "I want our daughter. But I still love you." She replied, kissing my cheek. Dinah's phone started ringing and she gave Camden back to Camila. "Did you miss Mama, Cammie?" Camila asked. Camden was smiling and I kissed her cheek. "You did? I missed you too baby." Camila said, pepping more kisses on Camden's face, making the baby laugh.

"Mila! Your daughter is so cute! Can I hold her?" Camila's guitarist, Ashlee came up to us. "Sure!" Camila said, passing Camden over to her. Camden was mesmerised by Ashlee's hair and reached out to grab it. "You like my hair?" Ashlee asked. My daughter brought the dread near her mouth then Camila quickly stopped her. "Sorry, she has been very touchy lately." Camila said. "It's fine." Ashlee laughed.

"You ready to leave?" I asked. "Yea, give me a second." Camila replied, walking off. "She's so adorable." Ashlee told me, passing the baby back to me. "I know, I'm so glad to have her." I said. Camila came back, took Camden from me then said goodbye to everyone and we left.

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