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"Lauren? You came over?" Sinu asked, sitting beside me and looking down at my lap where Camila was sleeping on. "Camz asked me to come over and she fell asleep while we were watching a movie." I said with my hand stroking the sleeping girl's hair. "Take her to her bed before she wakes up and complains about her neck." She replied and I laughed, knowing that it's true and I gently lifted Camila's head off my lap as I stood up. I slipped my arms under her legs and back then lifted her up.

I brought Camila to her bedroom and gently laid her down. "I love you." I whispered against her forehead and kissed it. I stroked her hair, watching her sleep then left the bedroom. I sat back down with Camila's mom and smiled at her. "So how did you and Camila happen?" Sinu asked. "It was my second day of my internship and I went to a runway show that Camila was walking with Normani. I followed her backstage because Dinah gave her access and I met Camila from there." I explained and she nodded.

"Lauren? Lo?" I heard from the bedroom and Camila came out of the bedroom. "Hey Camz, I let you sleep on the bed because your mom talked about how you would complain about your neck and back." I said. "Oh okay, I'll go back to bed now." She replied and went back to her bedroom, making me laugh. "She's so cute." I said. "Back at home, she takes at least an hour to wake up all the time, her report card on tardiness wasn't the best." Sinu said and I laughed. "Things don't really change do them?" I asked and she laughed. "Here, let me show you pictures of baby Karla." She said, pulling out her phone and I scooted closer to her.

"This is Karla in fourth grade." She showed me the picture. "Aw, she's so cute." I cooed. Sinu has been showing me a bunch of photos of baby Camila and I've been loving them especially this particular one which I have to get Sinu to send it to me. "What are you two doing?" I heard Camila asked. "Nothing, how was that nap?" I asked, watching her walk towards us and looking over our shoulder. "Mami! Why are you showing my baby pictures to Lauren?" She asked. "We were talking about how you were always late in school because you like to sleep in then it reminded me of you when you were young." Sinu explained. "Camz, you looked so cute when you were young." I said. "It's embarrassing." She whined, burying her head in my neck. "I think it's cute." I smiled, kissing the top of her head. "It's just the first day you've met Lauren, Ma. And you had to show her my baby pictures?" She asked, walking around the couch and sitting beside me. "Come on, mija, it's just a few photos." Sinu reached over and placed her hand on Camila's knee. "Photos that will ruin my life." She mumbled. "It's not that bad Camz." I assured her, kissing her temple.

"Give me a kiss." She puckered her lips. I looked over at Sinu and she nodded then I gave my girlfriend's lips a quick peck. "That was whack, give me a better kiss." She said. I kissed her again, this time keeping my lips on her for a few seconds then pulling away. "Better." She smiled. "You're weird." I said. "You love me." She poked my cheek. "I do." I smiled.


"Chill out baby, you're going to do great." I said on the phone. "What if I trip on the runway?" Camila asked. "You won't, baby, relax. You'll do so well, and I'll be watching." I said. "Yea, totally relaxing right now." She replied. "Aw, Camzi." I cooed. "Don't Camzi me, not when my career is on the line when I fall on the runway." She scolded. "Okay, okay, look I have to get back to work, I'll see you on the runway alright?" I asked. "Are you sure you don't want to go backstage before the show?" She asked. "I want a surprise, but I'll meet you after the show okay?" I asked. "Okay, text me when you're at the venue?" She asked. "Of course Camz." I smiled. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I replied and she ended the call.

"What's wrong now?" Normani asked as I put the phone down for the second time of the day. "She's really nervous and her mom is there so she's extra nervous, that's all." I replied. "You ready to go now?" She asked, packing up. "Yea, give me a sec." I quickly packed up as well, making sure I have everything with me. We went to the equipment room to grab a few lenses then headed down to the carpark for the company car.

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