twenty eight.

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From Lo:

No, I'm not breaking up with you. It's just a break.

I quickly grabbed my phone and replied to her message.

To Lo:

How long do you need?

From Lo:

A week or two...

To Lo:

Alright. Do you have somewhere to go?

From Lo:

Not yet. I'll figure it out though, don't worry about me.

To Lo:

Let me get you a hotel room at least.

From Lo:

No, Camz, it's fine. I can just get an Airbnb for a cheap price.

To Lo:

Okay...but if you need anything, text or call me.

From Lo:

I will. Bye Camz.

To Lo:

I love you. I hope you know that.

To Lo:

It's okay if you don't want to say it back.

To Lo:

Okay, bye.

She didn't reply so I put my phone back down and continued working.


"So what's going on with you and Lauren?" Dinah asked. "We're on a break." I replied, sipping on a cup of coffee. "Since when?" She asked. "Yesterday." I answered. "Do you know why she left and got drunk?" She asked. "No, I don't want to push it." I replied. "You have to! You deserve an answer Mila." She slammed the table, getting the attention of everyone in the coffee shop.

"Can you please not attract attention?" I asked. "Oops. But she should tell you the reason." She whispered-yelled over the table. "She cried thirty minutes after having sex then left the apartment and got drunk. She's obviously overwhelmed by something and can't tell me." I said. "But do you know why?" She asked. "I'm giving her space Dinah, stop it." I replied as she dropped he conversation.

The bell on the glass entrance jingled and I looked up to see Lauren walking in. "She's over there." I told Dinah and she turned around. "Yo Ralph!" Dinah called. "Dinah! What are you doing?" I asked, watching Lauren as she turned around, revealing her bloodshot eyes and puffy eyebags and making eye contact with me. My heart sank at her current state but I gave her a small smile and she dropped eye contact with me, quickly rushing out of the coffeeshop. "Look what you did!" I scolded Dinah. "What? I wanted to get you answers." She said. "Leave her alone please? Just during our break?" I pleaded. "Fine." She replied.

To Lo:

Sorry about Dinah.

From Lo:

It's fine.


[one week later]

From Lo:

Hey, I'm ready to talk. Let's meet up.

To Lo:

How about our apartment?

From Lo:

Sure, I'll be there at 8.

To Lo:

Okay, see you.

I looked at the clock on my phone and it was six pm so I decided to take a nap.

I woke up to something running through my hair and looked to see Lauren looking at me while stroking my hair. "Oh, hi." She pulled her hand back. I think I know how this talk goes... But I smiled at the affection. "What time did you come in?" I asked, sitting up and grabbing my phone to check the time and it was eight pm. "seven-ish, I rang the doorbell but you didn't answer so I opened the door." She explained. "That's fine, you live here anyways." I replied and she smiled nervously.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked. "Have you taken dinner?" She asked, avoiding the subject. "Not yet." I replied, going along with whatever she's trying to do. "Why not?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "I took a nap at six." I answered. "Luckily I brought dinner, let's eat first." She replied, getting up. I got up as well and followed her into the kitchen. "I got us Chinese food, is that okay?" She asked. "Yea it's fine." I smiled, sitting down. I opened the takeout box and dug in.

We finished eating and I waited for Lauren so we could finally talk. "So, you wanted to talk?" I asked. "Let's talk in the living room." She stalled and left the kitchen. I sighed and followed behind then sat down on the couch with her. "So erm..." She said nervously. "Look, I already know where this conversation is going." I spoke. "Really?" She asked. "Yea and all I want is a reason." I said. "Well...we haven't been spending much time together and basically I fell out of love with you." Her voice cracked as she started crying and my heart broke. "I found out when we had sex and I didn't feel anything, that's why I cried and got drunk and shit." She cried, wiping off her tears. I started tearing up as I listened to her. "So I asked for a break to maybe, I don't fucking know, try to love you again?" She threw her hands up in frustration.

"I'm sorry, I'm the worst." She said, grabbing a handful of tissues. "It's alright, I understand. I'm a shit girlfriend." I replied. "It's not you Camz, it's me." She said. "Hey, it's both of our faults, I didn't try to maintain our relationship and you fell out of love because of that." I reassured, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry Camz." She cried harder and I pulled her into a hug. "It's okay." I said. "I'm going to move out." She replied. "Just take your time, there's no rush." I said, pulling away and grabbing her hands. "Can we still stay as friends?" She asked. "Sure." I smiled.

Lauren left after awhile and I got up from the living room then went to the bedroom. I sat down on the bed and suddenly burst into tears then proceeded to cry myself to sleep.


y'all probably hate me for this chapter. don't worry camren will be end game, give it a few chapters.

also, I really appreciate all of you guys reading my story 😊😊 and i love your comments lmao.

and camila's first show as a solo artist, i'm so proud and happy for her ahhhh.

have a nice day.

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