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I stared at the wall while I tried to get myself to fall asleep. I had my back facing Lauren who was fast asleep and I grabbed my phone to distract myself since I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon.

I was fifteen minutes into scrolling through Twitter when I heard sniffling coming from behind me. "Lauren?" I called, placing my phone aside and sitting up. I turned on the bedside lamp and looked over to see Lauren crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, feeling my heart break at her crying. "It's nothing." She mumbled, wiping her tears. "What's wrong? Tell me please." I pleaded, grabbing her hand, only to have her pull away. "I'm sorry, I need some air." She sobbed, getting out of bed and putting on her boxers that were on the floor, followed by a pair of jeans and her shirt. "Where are you going?" I asked, getting up but she didn't answer and left the bedroom. I followed behind and she opened the front door. By then, I couldn't follow her since I was still naked and she left.

I ran back into the bedroom and got dressed. I grabbed my phone and quickly tried to call her. Voicemail. Then I called Dinah.

"Walz, it's two am. Why are you calling?"

"Lauren is missing."


"She started crying then got up and left."

"Why was she crying?"

"I don't know, she just said she needed some air then left."


"I'm going to go look for her, if she comes over to your place, call me?"

"Of course I will."

"Thank you so much, Dinah." I grabbed my car keys and left the apartment.

"Hey, Mila?"


"Are you okay?"

"No, my girlfriend just left without a word."

"I mean are the both of you okay?"

"Of course we are, I'm going to find her now. Call me if she comes to your place?"

"I will."

"And tell Mani to do the same."

"Okay." And I hung up, getting into my car and driving off.

I have been driving for the past hour. Where the hell can Lauren be? "Fuck." I cursed, driving around the same block before deciding to look for her at another block.

My phone started ringing and I looked over to see a call from Keana? I don't question it and quickly pulled over to answer the call.


"Hey, Camila?"


"So I found your girlfriend..."

"Really? Thank God, where are you right now?"

"I'll text you the address, but she's really drunk."

"Okay, text me the address, I'll get there quickly." I hung up and waited for her to send her location. She sent it and I quickly drove to the place. I spotted Keana holding up my girlfriend's hair as she was puking on the side of the road. "Oh god, Lauren..." I said, getting out of the car. "Thank you so much Keana." I said. "It's fine, did anything happen between the two of you?" She asked. "No, she just left out of the blue." I replied, rubbing Lauren's back as she continued puking.

Lauren stopped puking and stood up. "Hey Lauren, Camila is here." Keana said. "Camz?" She slurred, stumbling backwards and I quickly caught her. "Yea, let's go home okay?" I asked, wrapping my arm around her waist. "No, one more drink." She whined, trying to get out of my hold. "No more drinks, you're shit-faced Lo." I said, leading her to the car. She didn't protest and got into the backseat and she immediately passed out. I sighed and closed the door.

"Thank you so much Keana, do you need a ride?" I asked. "I'll just grab a cab." She said. "No, it's really late, let me give you a ride and we can talk." I replied. "Alright, thanks." She smiled, getting in my car. I got in the driver's seat. She told me the address of her hotel and I started driving. "How did you find Lauren?" I asked. "I was having a few drinks with my friends then found Lauren sitting at the bar with like three shots on the table so I stayed with her in case anything happened. Why was she out so late?" She asked. "She was crying out of the blue then got out of bed and left." I replied.

"Did you get into a fight?" She asked. "No, we haven't been in a fight for a while now." I replied. "Huh, she was drunkenly saying a few things while I was waiting for you." She said. "Tell me, please." I replied. "When I mentioned you, she was mumbling like 'she doesn't care', 'she doesn't make time for me' and all that stuff." She said. "Oh..." I replied. "You okay?" She asked. "Yea, I'm fine." I lied, driving up to the hotel. "Thanks for the ride Mila." She said, getting out of the car. "Thanks for taking care of Lauren." I replied. "Hey, you two can figure this out okay?" She assured me and I gave her a small smile. "I won't tell anyone about this." She said. "Thank you." I replied and she went into the hotel.

I looked behind at Lauren and sighed before driving off and taking us home. "Camz..." Lauren mumbled. "Yea?" I asked and she mumbled something else that I couldn't hear. "I can't hear you baby." I said, reaching behind and grabbing her hand. She didn't respond and I let out another sigh.

I parked the car and got out, opening the back door. "Hey, Lo, we're home." I said, shaking her and she woke up. "Home?" She asked. "Yea, get up." I said and she tried to sit up. I helped her up and out of the car. I brought her upstairs and into our apartment. She crashed on the bed and passed out immediately. I'm too tired to help her out of her clothes so I just laid down and fell asleep.

I woke up next morning in an empty bed. I sat up and looked over at Lauren's side of the bed to see a note laid on top of the pillow. I smiled, thinking it was some sort of good morning note and picked it up. I read the note and frowned.

I think we should take a break.
Just for a while.
I'm sorry Camila.


I got up and checked the closet, half of Lauren's clothes were gone and I ran out of the room, searching the whole place. I grabbed my phone and called Normani.


"Hey, is Lauren at work?"

"No, she called in to take the week off."


"She's not here, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thanks, bye." I hung up the phone and called Lauren but it went to voicemail.

To Lo:

Where are you?

To Lo:

What do you mean by take a break?

To Lo:

Lauren, you were crying and got drunk last night. Can I get an explanation?

To Lo:

Please reply.

To Lo:

Are we breaking up?

My eyes started stinging as I sent that message. I placed my phone down and went to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. I sat down on the kitchen stool and stirred the milk into my coffee. I feel more lonely in this apartment even though I've been living here for a year before Lauren even moved in. I finished my coffee, had a banana then got ready to leave for the studio.

"Hey Mila, let's finish up yesterday's song?" My producer asked as I walked into the studio. "Actually, can we start on a new song?" I asked, trying to hide the fact that I was crying in the parking lot for fifteen minutes but he obviously can see it. "Sure." He smiled, not questioning anything. I sat down and pulled out my journal, lyrics already pouring out onto the fresh page.


sorry? don't worry camren won't die that easily...unlike real life...

lmao the girls are finally doing to promo for down what is their label doing.

have a good day.

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