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The phone kept ringing. I couldn't get it because Camila was clinging to me and asleep. "Camz." I called. "Camz." I called again. "Hmm?" She mumbled. "The phone is ringing." I said and she reached behind with her eyes closed then grabbed her phone from the bedside, holding it to her ear. "Hello?" She mumbled. I closed my eyes and tried to get more sleep. "What? Are you serious?" I got woken up as Camila basically jumped out of bed. "Yes! Please! Thanks, Cheechee." She said and put the phone down. "What?" I asked. "I just got a booking for New York Fashion Week!" She said. "Which designer?" I asked. "Gigi Hadid and Tommy Hilfiger!" She said and I smiled. "That's amazing!" I replied, hugging her. "What if I meet Gigi? That'll be so cool!" She said and I laughed. "Whatever you say Camz." I replied, smiling.

"Come on, let's go for breakfast." She said, removing the bathrobe she kept on from last night. "Camz, it's 7:30 am on a Sunday, are you crazy?" I asked, looking at my phone. "Dinah is awake at 7:30, why can't you?" She asked. "You're right damn, Dinah's awake at this hour? That's rare." I said, getting out of bed. "Yea but she probably went back to bed." She replied. "And so should we." I said, falling back onto the bed. "I'm too excited to go back to sleep." She said, lying down beside me. "Then you can cuddle with me while I sleep for another 4 hours." I replied, wrapping my arms around her waist. "4 hours? Are you serious?" She asked. "Shush, sleep." I replied, closing my eyes. "You get one-hour Lo." She said. "Whatever." I replied, burying my nose into her neck.

"Morning, it's been an hour." Camila said, shaking me awake. "No, shut up, it's not." I replied, yawning. "Rude, get up, it's 9 am." She said. "Fine." I replied, getting up. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I finished showering and slipped on my jeans then wore the shirt I slept in. "You're not wearing a bra." Camila said as I stepped out of the bathroom. "I only wear a bra when I have to." I replied, grabbing my phone and lying down on the bed. "Like when?" She asked, taking off her bathrobe to change. "During work, well mainly during a photo shoot and runways, dates, when we have guest over for holiday dinner, basically when I feel like it." I said. "Okay then." She replied.

"You shouldn't wear one too, it's so comfortable especially when you just sit at your desk all day editing photos and shit." I said. "Lauren, you do know that I'm a model and I don't sit at a desk all day, right?" She asked. "Oh yeah...but you should try it though." I replied, sitting up and watch her put on her jeans. "Stop staring at my ass." She said and I blushed. "Sorry." I replied and laid back down. "Come on, let's go for breakfast." She said, slapping my thigh and I jumped out of bed. "Where are we going today?" I asked. "The usual café, you don't mind that right?" She asked. "It's fine." I replied, picking up my camera bag.

I pulled out the chair for Camila and she thanked me before sitting down. I sat down opposite her and looked at the menu. "Hi, I'll be your waitress today, would you like to order?" The waitress asked. "Can I get the croissant and scrambled eggs?" I asked and she jolted down my order. "Camz?" I called and she looked up from the menu. "Oh, erm, get me the pancakes, thanks." She said. "Any drinks?" The waitress asked. "I'll get a long black and she'll get a flat white." I replied and she nodded and left the table. "How would you know I want a flat white?" Camila asked. "You ordered it last time we were here." I said. "Observant." She replied and I smiled.

We finished breakfast and went back to Camila's apartment. We decided to watch a movie in her living room and she decided to rest her head on my lap. I subconsciously started playing with her hair as I watched the movie and felt Camila staring at me. I looked down and smiled. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." She replied. "This seems familiar." I said, recalling the similar situation. "Yea, you asshole." She replied, slapping my arm. "What did I do?" I asked. "Because you didn't tell me why you were looking at me and I thought I had something on my face." She said. "Sorry." I replied, shrugging my shoulders and looking at my phone.

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