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My phone was ringing. I was in the middle of doing work so I hit decline. It rang again so I hit decline again and continued working. I saw Normani rushing over to me and I looked up. "What's up?" I asked. "Dinah has been calling you, it's about Mila." She said. "I'll call her back." I replied, picking up my phone to see two missed calls from Dinah.


"How dare you decline my call Lauser?"

"Shut up DJ, how's Camz doing?"

"Come over now, my apartment, it's an emergency."

"Coming now."

"Mani, I need the rest of the day off." I said, getting up. "Okay, call me if you need anything." She replied and I left the office. I knew getting a cab will take too long so I ran. Like literally ran. Luckily, Dinah's apartment wasn't too far away.

I rang the doorbell and it opened to reveal Dinah. "Bedroom, quickly." She said and I quickly ran to her bedroom to see a teary-eyed Camila on the bed which made me sad. "Camz. What's wrong?" I asked, pulling her into a hug. "You know how you didn't use a condom?" She asked, sniffling. I kept quiet so she could continue talking. "My period was due a few days ago but I didn't get it so I had Dinah get me a few pregnancy test kits." She explained. "What are the results?" I asked, kissing her forehead. "I haven't seen them, I'm too scared." She replied. "Do you want me to look for you?" I asked and she nodded.

I let go of her and went to the bathroom to see five pregnancy tests kits on the counter. I took a deep breath and walked up, looking at the results.







I walked back out and pulled Camila into a hug. "They aren't accurate. Two positives and three negatives." I said. "What am I going to do?" She asked, crying harder. "Let me book an appointment for you. We'll go see a doctor and make sure alright?" I asked and she nodded. "I want you to know Camz... That whatever happens, I won't leave you. I will never leave you. Because I...I love you." I said, holding her close. I didn't get a reply but I continued to hold her. "You don't have to say anything." I said, kissing her forehead. "I love you too." She replied and I smiled.

"I'm going to go book the appointment, do you want Dinah to accompany you?" I asked and she nodded. I let go of her and left the room. "I'm booking her an appointment tomorrow to see a doctor. The tests were not accurate, mind keeping her company while I call the clinic?" I asked. "Sure." She replied and went to the bedroom. I quickly called the clinic and booked an appointment then went back to the bedroom.

"Do you want to go home or stay here? I have the rest of the day off." I asked, sitting beside Camila. "Let's go back to your place." She said, getting up. "Remember to wrap it up next time before doing the nasty." Dinah said. "Shut it." I replied and she flipped me off. I flipped her off then grabbed Camila's hand, kissing her temple. "You good?" I asked and she nodded. "Did you drive here? Because I ran here from the office." I said. "You ran? I'm sorry." She replied. "It's alright, anything for you right?" I asked, kissing her cheek. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I replied, smiling.

We went to my place and decided to watch a movie and cuddle. "Do you want snacks?" I asked. "Shush, I'm watching a movie." Camila said. "Rude." I replied and she laughed. "Yes, I would love some snacks." She said. "You're lucky you're cute." I replied, getting up from the bed. I went to the kitchen to grab a bag of chips, putting them into a bowl before going back to the bedroom and cuddle with my girlfriend. "Here you go." I said, placing the bowl in front of her. "Thank you." She replied and kissed my cheek.

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