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a/n: this is a filler chapter, it's just an idea i wanted to put in. i will update a full chapter soon (i think.)


"Walz, are you heading to your girlfriend's company?" Dinah asked. "Yea, for a bit then I'm headed back home." I said. "Alright, text me okay?" She asked, opening her car door. "Yea, drive safely." I replied, getting in my car and driving off.

I parked my car in the basement of Lauren's office and went up to the floor Lauren was at. I walked into the room and Lauren wasn't in her seat. "Hey Mani, where's Lauren?" I asked. "Oh hey Mila, Lauren didn't tell you? She's sick so she's back home." Normani replied. "She didn't text me, I'm going to head back, want me to get anything for you?" I offered. "No, I'm good. Tell Lauren to get well soon alright?" She asked. "Yea, bye Mani." I replied and left the office, speeding to Lauren's apartment.

I unlocked the door with the key Lauren gave me then got hit by a wave of chills from how cold the apartment was. "Lauren?" I called, closing the door and going to the bedroom to find Lauren buried under a bunch of blankets, shivering. "Lo, you okay?" I asked, walking over and feeling her forehead which was boiling hot. "It's cold." She mumbled. "That's what you get for turning the AC down." I said, getting up and turning up the temperature. "It was hot then it got cold so I thought if I just make the room cold and cover myself in blankets, I would be fine." She explained. "Have you seen a doctor?" I asked and she shook her head. "Let's go see a doctor then, come on." I said, pulling off the hundreds of blankets covering her body. "Wait, I'm naked." She replied. "Lucky me." I said, pulling off the last blanket then grabbing a hoodie from her closet and tossing it at her followed by a pair of boxer briefs and sweatpants.

"Can you get me my winter coat, the thick one?" Lauren asked and I grabbed the item of clothing from the closet and helped her put it on. I kissed her warm cheek then she moved her head away. "Don't kiss me, you'll get sick." She said. "Nice try." I replied, kissing her cheek again. "Camz, stop it." She said. "Alright, come on." I replied, holding her hand and leaving the apartment.


"Wait here, I'm going to buy ingredients for chicken noodle soup." I said. "Camz, it's fine." Lauren replied. "I don't care, you're sick." I said and left the car. I walked into the grocery store and quickly picked up the ingredients and also a can of chicken noodle soup just in case. "Oh my gosh, Camila Cabello!" I heard someone call. I turned my head and smiled at the girl. "Hi! How are you?" I asked. "I'm good, what about you?" She asked. "I'm good as well, look, I really wish I could spend some time with you but I need to go right now." I replied. "Can I take a selfie with you? A quick one." She asked. "Sure." I replied, placing the basket on the floor and standing in the frame of her camera. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and smiled at the camera before she took a picture.

"Thank you! Have a nice day!" She said. "You too." I replied, giving her a side hug then grabbing my basket and going to the cashier. I quickly paid for the food and rushed back to the car. "Sorry I took so long, someone recognised me and wanted a photo." I told Lauren, tossing the bag in the backseat. I didn't get a reply and looked up to see Lauren asleep, which made me smile. I leaned over and kissed her forehead then drove out of the parking lot.

"Lauren." I called and she woke up. "Hmm?" She asked. "We're here." I smiled at her sleepy state then grabbed the groceries and got out of the car. Lauren got out of the car and I locked it before going up to her apartment. "Go straight to bed while I cook for you." I said. "I don't trust your cooking." She giggled. "Rude, go to bed." I said. "Okay, Mom." She replied, going to the bedroom. I headed to the kitchen and started to cook.

"Lo, have some soup." I brought the bowl into the bedroom and Lauren sat up. "Thank you." She mumbled and I kissed her forehead. I scooped up some soup and blew on it lightly before bringing the spoon to her mouth. She drank the soup and gave me a weird look. "Camz, why is it so salty?" She asked. "It is?" I asked, trying the soup and it was salty. "Oh, the recipe asked for a pinch of salt and I don't know how much is a pinch so I added a teaspoon. Don't eat it then, I bought a canned one just in case this happens." I said, getting up. "It's fine Camz, the canned soup is even saltier anyways." She replied. "Let me add a bit of sugar to balance out the saltiness." I said, bringing the soup back to the kitchen to fix the saltiness.

I tried the soup again, making sure it was fine then brought it to Lauren. "Is this better?" I asked, feeding her the soup. "Yea, thank you." She replied, trying to take the bowl from me. "No, let me feed you." I said. "Okay." She smiled, sitting back against the headboard. I continued feeding her till she finished the soup, occasionally making aeroplane or train noises in between which made Lauren laugh.

"Okay, eat your medicine and sleep." I said. "What about you?" Lauren asked. "I'll be fine, don't worry about me, worry about yourself." I said, kissing her forehead. "Okay." She replied, swallowing the pills with the bottle of water I gave her then lying down. I pulled up the blankets to her chin and brought the now-empty bowl into the kitchen to wash. I finished washing everything and went back to the bedroom, lying down beside Lauren. She shifted and buried her face in my chest then I wrapped my arms around her, keeping her warm. "Camz?" She mumbled against her chest. "Hmm?" I asked. "I love you." She said, making me smile. "I love you too, go to sleep you, dork." I replied, kissing the top of her head and she hummed then fell asleep.


i hate school.

have a nice day :-)

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