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"Hey, what's up you guys, this is Chelsea Briggs and I am here with Camila Cabello." Camila invited me to tag along to her day of interviews and photo shoots so I'm sat behind the camera watching my girlfriend.

"Hi." Camila said and it made me giggle because she was so cute. She shot a look at me then looked back at the interviewer. "So 2016 was an amazing year for you, from multiple photo shoots, major runway shows and also a girlfriend who is with us, sat behind the camera." Chelsea said and one of the cameras pan towards me and I looked down shyly, giving the camera a smile then looking up at Camila who was smiling at me. "Yeah, 2016 has definitely been a great year." Camila replied. "Was it because of that special lady sitting right there?" She asked. "Eh, not really, she's pretty boring." Camila joked and I rolled my eyes. "I'm kidding, that was the best part of 2016. I love you, babe." She answered and I mouthed 'I love you too' to her which made her smile wider.

"So 2016 was a good year for you and now 2017 started out with a record deal with Epic. How do you feel about that?" Chelsea asked. "I'm really excited about the future. I have never planned for my modeling career to be my end goal and I always had a passion for music, songwriting and making music. So when I was offered this deal, I got really excited." Camila explained. Nothing beats having the love of your life come home from work screaming with joy about the record deal she had signed then followed by amazing celebratory sex.

"Let's talk music, what kind of music are you going to make?" Chelsea asked. "Well, currently I'm not so sure but I'm leaning towards pop music for right now. But hey, we'll never know my music taste might change and I'll become a rap artist." Camila said. "She definitely can rap, I'll tell y'all that." I added. "Oh really? Can we have a preview?" Chelsea asked. "Don't put me on the spot." Camila blushed. "I walked in on her rapping once, it surprised me that's for sure." I said. "That is something we'll get back to next time." Chelsea replied and Camila let out a sigh of relief.

"Since you're so involved in the interview, why don't you join us, Lauren?" Chelsea asked. "Oh no, I'm good." I replied. "Aw, come on, please?" Camila asked. "Fine." I gave in and got up from my seat. I sat down beside my girlfriend and buried my face in her hair. "Aww, Camren." Chelsea said. "I love you." Camila whispered. "I love you too." I whispered back and kissed her cheek before sitting up. "How did the two of you meet?" Chelsea asked. "We met while doing our jobs." Camila said, looking at me and Chelsea nodded, letting my girlfriend continue. "So I doing a runway show and I looked at the audience and found a pair of green eyes staring at me. Then my manager, Dinah who is dating Lauren's boss, invited them to come backstage and we hit it off immediately." She explained, holding my hand.

"Were there any challenges faced as a couple?" Chelsea asked. "As an openly bisexual female model, discrimination is still a thing apparently and there were multiple times that I face situations where I get turned down when casting because of my sexuality. We do occasionally get hate comments because we're two females in a relationship but we choose to ignore that because we believe there's more love out there." Camila answered and I nodded in agreement.

"I just wanted to add in that even though we still face discrimination on a daily basis, we don't regret coming out at all because it has helped many. Camila tells me countless stories about the things her followers write to her, telling her how we have helped them figure out themselves, helped them come out to their friends and family and many more. We feed off this energy and it keeps us positive and makes us want to be their voice and change the world for the better." I said. "That's wonderful! Do either of you have any words for the people watching?" Chelsea asked and I let Camila speak first. "I just want to say that instead of hating on each other, we should all start loving each other because love will always win and love only will bring peace." She said. "And to all the viewers out there who are in the closet, or stuck in an unsupportive family, everything will be alright, the LGBT+ community will always be there for you and you will find greater things in life." I added.

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