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"Camzi, time to wake up, we have two hours to pack and leave the place." Lauren said. "No, I'm tired." I mumbled. "I guess spending our last night together till four am with exercises that can tire you out wasn't the best, was it?" She chuckled. "I'm sore especially in the backdoor but the sex was good." I smiled, thinking about last night or this early morning. She kissed my head and I felt the bed shift. "I'm going to take a shower, I'll force you out of bed if you're not up." She said. "How are you going to do that?" I asked. "Give you blue balls." She replied and went to the bathroom. "Rough." I told myself and sat up, looking out of the window and admiring the beautiful scenery for the last time.

I got out of bed, stretching a little, feeling the ache between my legs before picking up my robe and putting it on. I went to the bathroom and Lauren smiled at me in the shower. I brushed my teeth, peed and went back out to start packing while waiting for Lauren to finish up in the shower.

"Ready to leave already?" Lauren asked. "No, of course not." I pouted and she walked over, kissing my cheek. "We'll come back, maybe with Norminah for fun." She said. "We'll never have the time to get our workout on if we invited them." I replied, folding my t-shirt. She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder. "I'm guessing you're hungry." She said. "Yea, burned lots of calories earlier this morning." I replied. She chuckled then let go of me before going to the kitchen.

"Camz?" She called from the kitchen. "What?" I asked. "Bad news, we don't have food." She said. "Well, I guess we have to leave earlier to get food then." I replied. "Or I can just eat you." She said. "No, I'm good." I replied. "I found one banana though." She came out of the kitchen and the yellow fruit in hand. I took it, unpeeled it and bit off half in one bite then passed it back to her. "Damn, this is quite a big banana Camz." She said. "I'm hungry." My reply muffled by the banana. "I can tell." She replied.

I let out a sigh and laid down on the bed. "What's wrong?" Lauren asked, climbing on the bed beside me. "Nothing, I love you." I said. "I love you too." She replied. "Do we really have to leave?" I asked, burying my face into her chest. "We have to." She replied, stroking my head. "Come on, let's continue packing." She said, slapping my butt and sitting up. "Ow, my butt hurts." I replied. "You okay? I wasn't too rough right?" She asked. "I'm fine, just sore." I replied, sitting up. I got up and continued packing.

"Wake me up when you get tired, I'll drive." I said. "Alright." She replied, kissing the back of my hand as she laced our fingers together. I laid back and closed my eyes, falling asleep.

"Camz. Wake up." Lauren said. "I'll drive." I sat up and looked around to see that we're home. "You drove all seven hours?" I asked. "I got a Redbull and a muffin at the gas station." She replied. "You're going to bed when you enter the house." I said. "Yes, mom." She replied, getting out of the car. We got out my suitcases since Lauren was staying over at my place. "Mama! Papa! Sofi! I'm home with Lauren!" I called and loud footsteps were heard. "Kaki! I missed you!" My little sister ran down the stairs and hugged me. "I've missed you too." I said, hugging her tightly. "Hey, I don't get a hug?" Lauren asked and Sofi giggled, pulling away from my embrace. "It's okay, you get a hug." I said, hugging my girlfriend. "Ew, not you, I'm sick of you." She replied and I pulled away then Sofi gave her a hug.

My mom and dad came downstairs and smiled at the interaction between the two girls. "Papa, Mama." I smiled, hugging them. "Did you have fun Mija?" My mom asked. "Yea, it was wonderful." I replied. "You two must be tired, go to bed soon, it's getting late." My dad said, kissing my forehead. "We will." I replied, turning around and watching my girlfriend interact with my little sister. Lauren looked up at me and smiled before bringing her attention back to my sister.

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