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"Karla? Por qué está bloqueada la puerta?" I woke up to hear my mom's voice. Wow, I miss her so much that I'm imagining her voice. "Karla? Are you in there?" I heard my mom again and this time there was a knock and shaking of the door handle at the door. Holy shit, she's here. I looked over and Lauren was still sound asleep. "Lauren." I whispered, shaking her shoulder. "Camz, I'm tired, shush." She mumbled. "Wake up, my mom is outside right now." I said and her eyes shot open.


"Karla? Open the door, your mother is here!" My mom called again.

"Shit." Lauren cursed, sitting up. "Don't worry, she's really nice." I said. "Yea and I bet she won't be nice when she sees me naked in bed with you." She yelled in a whisper. "Go get dressed in the bathroom." I said, getting up and grabbing my robe to cover my body. I lit a candle hoping it would remove the smell of sex in the room so my mother wouldn't notice. "Wish me luck and good morning." Lauren said, pecking my lips and rushing to the bathroom with her clothes.

Thank god I locked the door last night because Dinah has a habit of budging into the bedroom without knocking since she has the keys to my apartment. I unlocked the door and opened it. "Mami, why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I asked, hugging her. "I wanted to surprise you and your walk for New York Fashion Week is coming up and I can't miss it." She said. "That's sweet." I replied, smiling. "Also Karla, why are your clothes all over the floor of the living room?" She asked, referring to Lauren's clothes from last night. "I was tired." I said, going to the living room to pick up the clothes. "Remember to put them in the laundry basket next time alright?" She asked. "Yes, Mami." I replied, bringing the clothes to my room.

"Is your girlfriend here Mija?" My mom asked. "Yea, Lauren is in the bathroom now, we just woke up." I replied, throwing Lauren's clothes into the laundry basket. Speak of the devil. The bathroom door open and Lauren came out. "Oh, erm, hi Mrs Cabello, I'm Lauren." Lauren introduced, sticking her hand out for my mom to shake. "Sweetie, just call me Sinu." My mom said, shaking her hand and she smiled. "Sorry if I'm interrupting mother-daughter time, Camz didn't tell me that you were coming over." Lauren said. "You're not, I was actually surprising her. And I've been wanting to meet you since Karla wouldn't stop talking about you." She replied. "Stop it Ma." I blushed.

"It's true mija, Lauren do you know that every conversation we have on the phone, she spends five minutes just talking about you?" My mom asked. "Okay, continue to embarrass me, go ahead, I'll be in the bathroom." I said. "Aw, Camz, that's cute." Lauren replied, squeezing my hand as I went to the bathroom. I took my time, brushing my teeth and taking a shower, knowing my mom would want to interrogate Lauren.

I put my comfy robe back on and went to the living room to see Lauren and my mom chatting over some coffee. "Why are you guys talking about?" I asked. "Nothing much, would you like some coffee Camz?" Lauren asked. "Sure." I replied and she got up, going to the kitchen. I sat down beside my mom and she smiled. "She's really nice." She said. "I really love her." I replied. "I can see that she really loves you as well." She said and I smiled. "Careful, it's hot." Lauren said, passing me a cup of coffee. "Thanks." I replied.

"So Lauren, what's your occupation?" My mom asked. "I'm currently doing an internship at a photography company, that's how I met your beautiful daughter." Lauren replied, holding my hand and I blushed. My mom gave a nod and continued getting to know Lauren. "How about we go out for breakfast? Since the both of you woke up, you two probably haven't had breakfast" My mom asked. "You two probably want to catch up so I'll head home." Lauren said, collecting our empty coffee cups. "It's fine, please join us." My mom replied and I gave Lauren the look to not say no to my mother. "Alright, let me keep these first." My girlfriend smiled and went to the kitchen.

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