thirty seven.

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"Good morning Ms Estrabao, I see you brought your friend as well." The doctor said with a smile. "Girlfriend actually." Lauren said, holding my hand. "I guess the baby brought the both of you closer huh?" She asked and I smiled, nodding. "Let's get started then." She put on her latex gloves and lifted my shirt to expose my stomach. "I heard that by this time you can hear the heartbeat of the baby." Lauren said. "Yes and that's what we'll be doing today." The doctor replied and I squeezed Lauren's hand.

"Baby, you're showing a little." My girlfriend said, kissing my hand. "Really? Is it obvious?" I asked. "Not really but you can see a tiny baby bump." She replied and I smiled. "This is going to be cold." The doctor warned and spread a gel on my stomach. I hissed at the coldness then slowly got used to it. The doctor placed the ultrasound tool onto my stomach and I craned my neck to look at the screen.

"There's the baby. Right now the baby already resembles a tiny human but it is still a fetus." The doctor explained and I looked at Lauren who had her eyes glued to the screen. "Looks like a nugget." She said. "Stop calling our baby a nugget." I replied. "Your baby right now is actually the size of a white bean, so still very small." The doctor said. "How long until we can detect the sex of the baby?" Lauren asked. "Around 18-20 weeks into the pregnancy which is about 2 months from now." She replied and Lauren nodded.

"Let's listen to the heartbeat now." The doctor said, keeping the ultrasound machine then taking out another machine. "This is the Fetal Doppler, it uses sound waves to pick up the baby's heart beat but by 12 weeks we can use the ultrasound to pick up the heartbeat." The doctor explained and placed the probe onto my stomach, looking around for the heartbeat.

We heard something and Lauren held my hand tightly. "There's your baby's heartbeat." The doctor said, placing the probe in one area and we could hear the heartbeat clearly. "Camz, our baby." Lauren said. I looked at her and her eyes were glassy. "Aw Lo." I replied, rubbing her hand. "In the next appointment, you'll be able to hear the heartbeat much more clearer." The doctor said. "Can I record it?" Lauren asked and the doctor gave her the green light. She let go of my hand and scrambled to get her phone out. "Take a deep breath babe." I said and she did. I kept quiet as she recorded it onto her phone and she looked at me with a smile on my face.

She finished recording and kept her phone. "Thank you." Lauren said, wiping the tear that ran down her cheek. The doctor kept the tool and passed me a paper towel to wipe the gel off my stomach. Lauren took the paper towel and helped me clean up. "Thanks babe." I said and she smiled. She pulled down my shirt after cleaning it and I sat up. I kissed her cheek and sat down on the chair. "The baby looks normal, however you need to be cautious during this duration of pregnancy." The doctor said. "Will sex danger the baby is anyway?" Lauren asked and I slapped her thigh. "No, it won't. But just be cautious." The doctor replied.

We talked for a bit before leaving. "Why did you ask the doctor about sex?" I asked. "Just wondering." Lauren replied, blushing slightly. I laughed and kissed her cheek. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." She replied, placing her hand on my small baby bump. "Am I really showing? I can't tell." I asked, rubbing my stomach to feel for a difference. "Yea, I'll show you back at home." She replied, holding my hand and unlocking the car door. She opened the door for me and I thanked her and climbed in. She walked over to the driver's seat and got in.

"What do you think of moving in again?" I asked. "Why do you ask?" Lauren asked, starting the car and driving out of the parking lot. "You've been staying over at my place and it's lonely when you're not here. Who's going to take care of the pregnant lady?" I asked. "I would love to move in with you. I think Leo likes the space." She said. "How about we move into a new apartment? The condominium isn't the best place to raise a baby. Especially since it's difficult to baby proof the whole place." I suggested. "That sounds good, I'll start looking into apartments." She said. "But I feel like raise the baby back at home. In Miami." I replied.

"That's also a good idea. Maybe we should but it isn't the best location for your career." She said. "That's true. This is so difficult." I sighed. "Hey, we'll figure this out, don't worry." She placed her hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze.

We went back to my apartment and Leo was excited to see us. "Hi baby!" Lauren said, picking up the puppy. I rubbed Leo's head then went to the bedroom to change into something much more comfortable.  I took my shirt off and stood in front of the mirror, trying to look for the baby bump. "Camz?" Lauren called, walking into the room. "I can't see it." I pouted. "I'll take a photo for you, stand near the wall." She said, placing Leo down and taking out her phone. I walked across the room to the wall and I stood up straight and she took a photo.

She showed me photo and I did notice a difference. "I just look fat." I said. "Babe, you're not fat." She replied. "I am, I haven't gone to the gym in a month, I've been eating everything unhealthy. I'm fat Lauren." I ranted. She opened her mouth, about to speak and I cut her off. "And don't give me that pregnancy bullshit. You know I'm fat." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "Are you done with your rant?" Lauren asked and I nodded. She got on her knees and kissed my "baby bump".

"If you think you're fat..." She said, kissing my stomach again. "Then you can think of it as your body adapting to carry the life growing inside you." She continued. "Or you can go on a pregnancy diet plan." She placed another kiss on my stomach. "Or do a few pregnancy exercises, maybe some yoga." She reached up and grabbed my hands, looking at me. "But if you still think you're fat. Then I'll admit you're fat. But you will also look beautiful to me, no matter what." She kissed the back of my hand and I started tearing up.

"Fuck you and your sappy shit." I said and she smiled, kissing my stomach again then standing up. I hooked my arms around her neck and kissed her. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I replied, kissing her again. She pulled away and picked up Leo who was clawing at her leg. "Your mama has a baby growing inside her." She said, bringing Leo to my stomach. He started sniffing the area, probably smelling the gel the doctor use and was about to lick it before Lauren pulled him away. "You tryna lick my woman? Rude." Lauren placed him on the floor and he ran out of the room. "That's right, get out." Lauren said, grabbing my waist. I started laughing and she joined in as well then Leo ran back with a toy in his mouth.

"Don't try to woo my woman with your gifts." Lauren said. "Shut up Lo." I slapped her arm and took the toy from the puppy. I threw it across the room and he took off, chasing after the toy. "Put on your shirt, only I get to look at that hot body." Lauren slapped my butt and left the bedroom, grabbing Leo toy so he'll chase after her. I shook my head, smiling to myself and put my shirt back on. I went out of the bedroom and poured myself a glass of berry infused water then laid down on the couch.

"Leave some space for me." Lauren said, climbing on top of me. "Go away!" I replied, trying to push her off. "Share some space, come on." She said. "Lauren, you smell, get off." I replied and she got up. "Do I actually smell?" She asked, sniffing her armpit. "Nope, but it got you away from me." I said and she started to tickle me. "No! Stop! I'm gonna pee! Lauren!" I squirmed under her. She laughed and stopped tickling me.

"Alright, you hungry?" She asked. "Yea." I replied. "What do you want to eat?" She asked. "I'm hungry for anything." I said. "Bananas?" She joked. "We don't have bananas so jokes on you." I said. "You're right." She replied and walked to the kitchen. I smiled to myself and took a sip of water.

I picked up one of the pregnancy books that Lauren had bought and flipped through the pages. There were a bunch of sentences highlighted and notes all over the page in Lauren's handwriting. I read a few of the notes and smiled to myself, thinking about how serious Lauren is when she told me she'll take care of me while I'm carrying the baby.

"What are you reading? Oh, that." Lauren said. "That's really cute. All the notes and stuff." I replied. "It's embarrassing." She mumbled. "I find it really cute, don't worry about it." I said. "Whatever, don't read my notes." She replied and went back to the kitchen. I ignored her instructions and continued to read the book as well as her notes.

"Food's ready." Lauren announced, bringing two plates out. "Great!" I cheered, sitting up. I saw two plates of omelettes and smiled, kissing her cheek. "Thanks babe." I said, digging in. "You're welcome." She replied.


sometimes i read about camren theories and people debunking whether tyren is PR or not and it either blows my mind or gives me a really good laugh.

okay that's all. exams are a bitch.

have a nice day!

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