twenty nine.

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(a/n: ^^^^😍😍😫😫👌🏻👌🏻)


Lauren officially moved out and my life got worse. "Come on Chanch, let's go out and party or something." Dinah said. "I don't want to." I mumbled, scrolling through Netflix to look for another show to distract myself with. "You've been watching Netflix for a week straight now, go outside, everyone's worried." She said. "It's cold outside." I replied, finding a random documentary to watch.

Dinah slammed my laptop shut and took it away from me. "Hey! I was watching that!" I reached up to grab the laptop from her. "Let's wait for Mani to come over and we'll go out." She said and I groaned, lying down on the bed. "Can't we just stay in and have dinner together?" I asked. "Nope." She replied, texting on her phone. "I don't want to go out though." I said. "You need to get some fresh air." She replied.

"Dinah, we live in New York, it smells like garbage twenty-four/seven."

"You know what I mean." She said and I laughed which made her smile. "But I'm still not going out." I replied and her smile dropped. "Come onnnnnn." She dragged, shaking my shoulders. "Tomorrow! I will go out tomorrow, I promise." I bargained. "Fine." She gave in. "Thank you." I said. "I'll get Mani to bring dinner over." She replied. "Alright." I grabbed my laptop from her and opened it. "Let's watch something nicer, this is lame." She laid down beside me and took my laptop to find another show.

The doorbell rang and I pushed Dinah to get the door. "It's your house, get the door." She argued. "It's your girlfriend, go get her." I argued back and she groaned, getting up.

"Hey Mila." Normani said. "Hi." I replied. "I bought bananas for you." She said, breaking a banana from its bunch and tossing it at me. I somehow managed to catch it and peeled it. I took a bite and nausea started to flood my body and suddenly I'm running to the bathroom. "Camila? Are you okay?" Normani asked as I started emptying the contents in my stomach into the toilet bowl.

I felt my hair being pulled back and I was thankful for Normani. "Dinah, get a glass of water!" Normani yelled. I finished puking and grabbed the toilet paper to wipe my mouth. "Are you okay?" Normani asked, rubbing my back and I nodded, getting up. She closed the toilet seat and flushed the toilet before helping me to sit down on top. "Mila, you okay?" Dinah asked, passing me the glass of water. "Take small sips." Normani told me and I followed her instructions. "Is the banana spoilt?" Dinah asked. "No, I chose the ones that didn't have a single bruise or cut." Her girlfriend replied. "I'll go check." The polynesian said and left the bathroom.

"Do you still feel sick?" Normani asked and I shook my head. "I'm sorry Mila." She said. "It's fine." I replied. "The banana's fine, are you sick Mila?" Dinah asked, placing her hand on my forehead. "I think I might have just eaten something bad." I replied, getting up. "Go lie down, I'll bring the food in." She said, taking the empty glass from my hand and I left the bathroom, lying down on the bed.

"I bought pasta, that should be fine." Normani said, sitting on the bed. "It's fine." I replied, grabbing my laptop. Dinah brought the food and a glass of water on a tray. "Thanks." I said, sitting up and taking the tray from her. I dug in into my food and didn't feel like vomiting so i continued to eat.


I woke up next morning feeling extremely nauseous. I threw the covers off my body and ran to the bathroom then started puking out last night's dinner. "MORNING CHANCHO! Chancho?" Dinah called. "Bathroom." I managed to say before vomiting again. "Are you alright?" Dinah asked, walking into the bathroom and holding up my hair. I breathed out heavily and leaned against the wall, sitting down. Dinah filled up a cup of tap water and passed it to me. I took it and rinsed my mouth. "Mani! Water!" She yelled. "We're going to bring you to see a doctor." She said and I nodded.

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