thirty eight.

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"Did Lauren do something again mija?" My dad asked over the phone.

"No Papa, just because I called you doesn't mean Lauren had done something." I replied.

"Well maybe if you didn't call me or your Mama whenever you get into a big fight with Lauren, I won't assume."

"Lauren did nothing wrong. She's really nice, she brought me to Connecticut for the weekend last week."

"Alright mija, whatever you say." Just then Lauren came out from the bathroom and I smiled at her. 'Who's on the phone?' She mouthed. 'My dad.' I mouthed back. She laid down beside me and I placed the phone on speaker mode.

"Papa?" I called.

"Yes mija?" He asked.

"Do you hate Lauren?"


I frowned and looked over at Lauren. She had the same frown and I kissed her cheek.

"Well, I can't hate the person my daughter loves so much." He spoke and I smiled.

"Really?" I asked.

"As long as Lauren keeps you happy, I'm fine with anything."

"Thank you Papa."

"It's nothing mija. But if she hurts you again, don't say I didn't warn you."

"Don't worry Papa." I squeezed Lauren's hand and she placed her head on my shoulder.

"Is that Kaki?" I heard from the background.

"Kaki?" Sofi called.

"Hi Sofi! How are you?"

"I'm good. I miss you Kaki."

"I miss you too Sof. Did you receive that present I sent you?"

"Yea, thank you!"

"You're welcome." I smiled.

"Is Lauren there?"

"Hi Sofi." Lauren said.

"Lauren! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too. I can't wait to see you again." Lauren said, taking the phone from me. I cuddled up against her and listened to their conversation.

"Did your sister show you a picture of my dog?"

"Yea! He's so cute. What's his name?"

"His name's Leo."

"Can you bring him to Miami when you visit? I want to play with him."

"I'll see if I can."

"Sofi, it's getting late mija." My dad said. "But I want to talk to Lauren and Kaki." Sofi replied. "I'll call tomorrow." I spoke. "Promise Kaki?" She asked. "I promise." I said. "Okay! Goodnight Kaki. Goodnight Lauren!" She replied. "Goodnight baby, pass the phone to Papa." I said with a smile on my face.

"So when are you coming home to visit the old man?" My dad asked.

"Soon, hopefully."

"Okay mija, I got to put your sister to bed."

"Okay, tell Mama I love her. Goodnight, I love you."

"Bye, I love you too. Goodnight." And he hung up.

"I guess crazy dad mode is no more." I said, kissing Lauren. "That's good." She replied. "What's wrong?" I asked as I felt that something was off about her. "Just thinking of how he'll react when we tell your parents the news." She answered. "What about your parents?" I asked. "There might be the disappointed reaction but telling them I'm able to bear children could be the alternative." She replied and I smiled. "That's good." I whispered, laying my head on her chest. She ran her hand through my hair and I closed my eyes. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." I replied.

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