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[three months later.]


From Lo:


From Lo:


From Lo:


From Lo:

You're such a MILF 💦💦💦

From Lo:

gtg back to work. love you baby. see you later! 😁😁❤️

To Lo:

love you too 🙄🙄😂😘😘

I shook my head, smiling to myself and placed my phone down. "Was that Lauren?" Dinah asked. "Yea." I said. "I can tell." She replied.

Announcing the pregnancy and Lauren and I's rekindled relationship was the best decision ever

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Announcing the pregnancy and Lauren and I's rekindled relationship was the best decision ever. It has made so many things easier for us, no more sneaking around, no more hiding, I get to be me again in public.


"I'm home." I heard Lauren yell, followed by Leo's barking. "You forgot honey!" I yelled
back, keeping my eyes glued to my book. The bedroom door opened and I looked up. "Hi." She said, walking up to me and giving me a kiss while she placed her hand on my baby bump. "Hey." I smiled. "How was your day? The baby didn't give you any trouble, did they?" She asked, kissing my belly. "No, they are very calm today." I said. We decided to keep the baby's gender a surprise so we gave them they/them pronounces. "That's good." She replied, kissing my belly again.

"I got you more of that vitamin oil thing for your stretch marks." She said, placing a bag on the bedside table. "Thank you." I replied. "Let's go out for dinner." She said. "I'm up for that." I replied. "Let me go take a shower first." She kissed my forehead then went to the bathroom. I got up and looked through the closet for clothes. Leo ran towards me and I picked him up. "Urgh, you're getting so big." I said, cradling him in my arms. "What should I wear?" I asked the dog, looking through the closet.

Just like a dog, Leo didn't answer but just stared at me. "You're useless but so freaking adorable." I said, scratching his belly. I gave up on trying to find an outfit and laid back down on the bed.

Lauren came out of the shower and looked at me weirdly. "Why aren't you dressed?" She asked, running her towel through her hair and drying her hair. "I want to go shopping." I said. "You don't have clothes?" She asked, looking through the closet. "You do have clothes, but we can go shopping today." She said. "Pick an outfit for me, I don't know what to wear." I replied. She looked through the closet and tossed some clothes at me.

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