14th Birthday

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Last night was crazy, it was Saturday which meant today is Sunday and MY 14th Birthday. Last night Joe stayed round because today were going to the beach, Zoe said she wanted to surprise me but I kept going on at her and she ended up telling me we're having a beach day with quite a few YouTubers including Mark, Louise and darcy, Tanya and Jim and also the Sacconejolys.

Me and Elizabeth were probably the most exited out of evreyone because we could invite someone and ended up inviting Annalisa to come with us, I don't know if Annie is coming to the beach. Apparently theirs something other than the beach, none would tell me what we were doing which really wasn't fair.

Yesterday I made my first video for my channel 'FlippingFilipa' I decided I wanted to make a new twitter aswell as making a Vlogging channel because on my video got comments saying I should make vlogs. My Vlogging channel is 'LifeAsFlippingFilipa'.
Anyway I was woke up at 8:30 by singing not just any singing Zoe, Alfie and Joe singing happy birthday to me "Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To Filipa, Happy Birthday To You" the three of them sing.

I sat up with my eyes closed before I began to rub them "huh??" I sat opening my eyes "happy birthday Filipa" smiled Zoe, thanks when I realised it was actually Sunday and my birthday "it's my birthday" I realised making the three laugh. "Right we will leave you to get dressed and then come down" Alfie tells me and I nod letting them leave.

I had a shower last night and planned an outfit ready for the day,  I pick up Alfie's old Camera he used to vlog and tuned it on "helllloooooo guess what today is" I paused smiling "MY BIRTHDAY" I grinned into the camera "Alfie, Zoe and joe have just woke me up by singing happy birthday which I'm not pleased about" I say emphasising on the not. If you he don't you guessed from the past I'm not technically a morning person. "I chose my outfit last night so I'll see you guys on the other side" I say waving bye to the camera just because I can, after I turned the camera off I placed it on the bedside table before going to my desk and picking up my outfit from the chair.

I opened my chest of draws and pulled out my underwear and then decided to head into my bathroom to wash my face. The hot water flowed from the taps into my hands as I washed my face before turning the tap of and drying my face and heading back into my room where I immediately stripped myself from my pyjamas and then slipped on my underwear and then added my black T-shirt which has white smart writhing which reads 'I speak fluent... movie Quotes, Song Lyrics, sarcasm'. Sarcasm is my favourite part off the top.

I added my denim skirt with straps and slipped them over my shoulders, I changed my phone case to my sparkly silver one with winky eyes on with my matching beanie hat which I slid onto my hair which I left straight, after brushing it obviously.

I slipped red bracelet around my wrist and added some simple marshmallow pink liquid lipstick to my lips and added my grey high top converses.

I soon began to walk downstairs with Alfie's old camera with it on, i was telling my viewers about the plan for the day even though the vlog would go up tomorrow

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I soon began to walk downstairs with Alfie's old camera with it on, i was telling my viewers about the plan for the day even though the vlog would go up tomorrow. I opened the door to the kitchen and walked through it seeing pancakes and a bunch of other food "Happy Birthday" the three of them called. Still Vlogging I smiled and thanked them before sitting down in one of the kitchen chairs

"Alfie and myself brought you thins but this isn't it all, you're going to get the rest of the presents later" Zoe told me making me smile as Zoe handed me a card with a small wrapped box which I placed on the table while I opened the birthday card, I read the card and smiled once again thanking the pair before moving onto the wrapped box. Joe was Vlogging on his camera while holding mine as I gently ripping the wrapping paper revealing a small box which I opened.

"Wow" I spoke gobsmacked to what was inside the box, theirs was a necklace with a black dove which has sapphire blue jewel stones on one side, "it's beautiful" I smiled with tears in my eyes, I honestly had no clue why I had tears in my eyes I guess I was just shocked that they had brought me something which must have cost quite a bit "could you put it on please" I asked Alfie who handed his camera to Zoe as he took the necklace from me and helped me put it on

"Thank you for making me the happiest girl in the world" I smiled to my adopted dad giving him a hug and we pulled Zoe into the hug too "we can't imagine our lives without you Filipa, your part of the family now and we won't do anything to change you" Zoe smiled "I love you" I chocked on my own tears

"We love you too" Alfie smiled kissing my forehead and Zoe does the same. For once in the last year I've felt as I belonged somewhere, I guess you could say it's my first day in forever but technically it wouldn't work since I've actually been living with Zoe and Alfie for the past week. After the emotional ten minutes joe interrupted us and I remembered that he had my Camera and his own then Zoe and Alfie's was in front of him.

"Sorry Jojo" I giggle while taking my camera from my adopted uncle "so as you've seen people Zoe and Alfie have given me this amazing necklace, it's a dove with sapphire blue gem stones, I wasn't expecting anything from them but I really appreciate everything they have done for me so far and hope that we have more memories and times to come" I speak to the camera and pausing "so we're off to eat the lovely spread of food which I'm guessing the three of these prepared before they evilly woke me up, see you later my lovely people" I wave as I turn the camera off and placed it down

"You look like you love to Vlog, even thought this is your first one" joe smiled and I nod since I guess I do like it but I don't think I would be a daily vlogger. We soon start digging into the lovely spread of food and I have a pancake spreading Nutella on top with a couple of blueberries it was so nice.

A hour and half later the For of us and Nala were in the back to Zoe's mini as we began to go towards Brighton pier and beach to meet the rest of the group. It turned out Annalisa couldn't one to meet up today since she was grounded. "Esssiiiieeeee" I call to Elizabeth as she was running towards me and she was also calling my name, we were both Vlogging as we went into a hug

"Did Annie text you telling you she couldn't make it because she's grounded" Elizabeth nodded as we all hung around on the beach "were going to the pier" Elizabeth tells the adults as the pair of us walk to the pier, "you looking forward for your first day off school tomorrow?" Es asks me and I shrug "pretty nerves if I'm honest but if we're in the same class I'll be fine won't I" I said in a question making her laugh.

Later the day we went back to meet the others on the beach, that's when I saw a a table with presents on, another with food and One with a cake and plates "HAPPY BIRTHDAY FILIPA" evreyone calls and I see Jonathan turn music on. The party sort of thing was amazing and I thanked evreyone for the present which I would open when me, Zoe, Alfie and joe got homes

We got home and we all got a drink and I started to open the presents, Zoe and Alfie gave me the second present which I honestly didn't really need anything else but there insisted. They had got me a rose gold MacBook to edit my videos. It was a surprise and I couldn't think them enough. I opened the rest of the presents and I still couldn't believe anyone got me anything but I was thanking them through texts.

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