Day 14- Gingerbread House Making

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The introduction for day fourteen of my 24 days of FlippingFilipa rolled onto my screen and I smiled. Today I had Alfie and Zoe with me and we were making a ginger bread house, from scratch may I add.

"Helloooo and welcome to day 14 of 24 days of FlippingFilipa. Today I'm joined by Zoe and Alfie and we're making a gingerbread house from scratch" I paused explaining today's video "Zoe's going to tell us what we have" I spoke gesturing towards Zoe

"So we have 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, at room temperature; 1/2 cup dark brown sugar; 1/4 cup light molasses or dark corn syrup; 1 tablespoon cinnamon; 1 tablespoon ground ginger; 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cloves; 1 teaspoon baking soda; 2 cups all-purpose flour and finally 2 tablespoons water" Zoe smiled showing the camera everything as we do the gingerbread ingredients

"And for making it and decorating we have Melted white chocolate or Royal Icing which we're going to be using both and Gumdrops, licorice, peppermint and SWEETS" I giggled with excitement in my voice "for the royal iceing we are using 3-3/4 cups powdered sugar, sifted if lumpy; 1 to 2 large egg whites and 1 teaspoon lemon juice" Alfie finished showing everything. "So let's get started." I grinned.

We got more bowls and began to make the mixture for the gingerbread, the cinnamon filled the room and smelt lovely but I just felt that our gingerbread house would be a fail, I mean if you've seen Zoe and Alfie do this before you will see they have failed slightly and it was such a laugh. "Right our mixture is made now we are going to do the cut out for the shapes, we need two big parts for the front and back, a smaller part for both sides and then two more larger ones for the rooftop, were also doing some gingerbread men to live in the house" I laughed explaining what we were doing while Alfie and Zoe both rolled some gingerbread dough. I began cutting out the shapes which we need, this was fine so far but making it and putting it together is probably the hardest part, we then put the gingerbread into the oven and had to wait.

The gingerbread had been made and we were once again sat at the table, we had made the icing and broke white chocolate up ready to melt, "right now the biscuits have been cooked and cooled down we are going to begin to put it all together, we've decided to put icing on the plate to make it stand so that's what we're going to do first" I explained to the camera as I do so, we then hold the biscuits onto the icing and let go after a couple of minutes. "So now we have done that I think it's time to make sure they stick so we're now putting icing up and down the sides before we attempt to do the roof" I laughed with how I sounded letting Zoe ice the roof and hoping it will stick. Me and Alfie held the roof in place as Zoe iced the top before we eventually let go and could finally decorate it with all the sweets we had.

It was going pretty well we also added melted chocolate to look like dripping snow but it didn't technically go to plan but it still looked cool

It was going pretty well we also added melted chocolate to look like dripping snow but it didn't technically go to plan but it still looked cool

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The end of the video was by quickly and the gingerbread kept falling apart. "So that's it for today's video, sorry it wasn't the best we just made it for a laugh" I started with a grin "if you enjoyed don't forget to Like and drop a comment below and if your not already then subscribe" I finished

"Bye" we all waved

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