Day 24- Christmas Eve Routien

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The introduction of my 24 days of FlippingFilipa rolled onto the screen and I was gutted that the time was coming to a end but if I'm honest I couldn't wait to get back to normal and upload on my designated days.

"Hello and welcome to the final day of 24 days of FlippingFilipa, its crazy to think tomorrow is Christmas Day!" I squealed into the camera I was so exited "so today's video is a Christmas Eve routine, so let's get on with the video it will probably be a short one since I have no clue right now" I cut my introduction short since I didn't know what I was going to say

I started with Zoe and Alfie while sitting in the car we had been to the Sacconejolys and it's what we were going to be doing on Christmas Day anyway "so we are in the car back from the Sacconejolys, I've given them the present I had brought each on them and they did the same but I'm not opening mine until tomorrow obviously" I smiled, I had filmed this a week before actually swapping gifts but it was meant to feel as if it's normal.

"When we get home I've decided to have a bath, I'm really not sure what Lush bath bomb I'm going to she yet but then again I might choose the snow fairy which I've been using a lot" I giggled as we arrived home. I cut the video and went up to my bathroom where I set the bath up and quickly videoed before taking a bath. After my bath I got out of bed and changed into my Christmas pyjamas

"So guys I'm not in my Christmas pjs, my hair is in a messy bun and on my feet I am wearing some white fluffy slippers which are so comfy and they go with my fluffy dressing gown like how cute" I smiled walking downstairs and joining Zoe and Alfie in the living room

"We decided that we are going to order dominos for our Christmas Eve dinner since I've been good and while we wait we're going to make chocolate cake and gingerbread men as a extra treat" I laughed as I filmed everything we were doing. The video continued and we soon had made the cake and gingerbread men, I recorded the making of things in a time lapse otherwise I'm pretty sure the video was going to be so long people would get bored

"So our pizza has just arrived and now we're going to watch one of the best Christmas films ELF!" I shout the ending happily since I love the film and it's like one of the classics continued filming after doing a little, I had it on a time lapse which looked rather cool if you ask me.

"So we are now going to have a hot chocolate before we go and watch another Christmas film while we eat a gingerbread man," I filmed and voiceover what we were doing. Soon I walk up to my room and film their "so I'm now going to catch up on some YouTube, maybe watch some Netflix before I go to bed" I smiled and cut the video before I reappeared in front of my bed

"Well that's it for this video, I hope you enjoyed all of my 24 days of FlippingFilipa,, I can't believe it's over. I hope you've loved watching these videos and have an amazing Christmas" I started with a smile. "Well if you enjoyed it then like and leave a comment if you feel like it, also if your not subscribed or your new around here then click the red button below I love each and every one of you" I smiled

"Byee" I waved

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