Day 3- Q&A

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The introduction roles for the third day, their is only 21 days untill Christmas now and I'm getting excited. My first Christmas with Zoe and Alfie my new family.

"Hellllloooo and welcome to day three of the 24 days of FlippingFilipa. Today is a Q&A. I asked you all to comment questions on my twitter and Instagram so I'm going to answer some of them for you all" I speak to begin with as I pick my phone up, unlock it and open it up.

"The first question is from @DanceingQueen2 and the question is if you could change your name to anything what would it be?" I read out loud inserting the question onto the screen "I've always liked the name Skylee which happens to also be one of my middle names but I also like the name Paige" I smiled answering th question

"The next question is from Instagram from @ZoellaFan101 it is other than dancing what are your favourite hobbies" I read out loud putting a screenshot onto the screen "well dancing is my number one hobby but I don't mind singing and reading" I shrugged unsure if I had anymore hobbies.

"The next question is also from Instagram from @IndiaFaithDeyes this question if kinda my favourite is their someone or something from your childhood who you love and miss and why?" I read out loud once again adding a screenshot. "My mum, Dad and sister Anita. They helped me through a lot before the time they died, I know I can't bring them back but they will forever mean something to me, I may not talk about them 24/7 but I will never forget them. That also means Karolina, she may be with a different family but I hope she will forever remember me" I smiled trying to hold my tears back managing to do so.

"This next question is from twitter from @YoutuberLifeFan and it is what's your favourite Tv program?" I looked up even though their was no thought to be needed "Dance Moms" I answered simply before looking down

"This question is also from @YoutuberLifeFan and the question is someone you look up to? And why?" I paused I had a few people I looked up to "maybe Maddie Ziegler, Charley Webb or Kym Marsh. Theirs probably a lot more but those three are definitely three of them" I paused for a second biting my lip thinking of why "well Maddie Ziegler because she's an amazing dancer, i would love to be as amazing as she is. If I ever met Maddie then i wouldn't even know what to say but I know it will never happen, she doesn't even follow me on any social media and doesn't know I exist" I added a giggle to the end not trying to sound big headded "and Charley and Kym because their amazing actress on two of my favourite where soaps" I answer the fourth question

"Next question is from Instagram from @FlippingFilipaIsQueen this question is what is it like attending a dance school and who's your friends their" I smiled as I read the question out "well first of all I love your user name. Secondly it's amazing, I've always loved dancing and I'm just so lucky to have been given the chance to dance at Lucy Smiths Dance Academy, Lucy the owner and teacher at the school she amazing. My best friends at the school have to be Elinor and Lianna. Theirs these four other girls who are really nice and their on the competition team who I get along with really well and they are Chloe, Amber, Vicky and Camilla but I wouldn't say I'm as close to them as I am Elinor and Lianna" I smiled answering the question

"Right I'm only going to answer three more questions for today so this one is from Instagram from @MelisiaMorgan and the question is if you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?" I read out loud. I really didn't know where exactly I wanted to go. "Well I do want to go to America but I've not technically got one place where I want to go" I nodded answering the question even though I knew slightly.

"The next question is from Twitter from @CandiLouWikson and the question is are you girly or a tomboy?" I read out loud thinking slightly "I guess I am a girly girl I love wearing make up, dresses, skirts and everything but if I had to I would were tracksuit bottoms and a tank top" I shrugged unsure if I was honest.

"The last question is from Instagram from @ButterflyBethany and the question is favourite thing about Christmas?" I read thinking slightly "the candycanes, the smell of Christmas trees and being able to spend it with people who love and care about me" I smiled looking down.

"So that's it for the third day of 24 days of FlippingFilipa. I hope you learnt something new about me and you enjoyed it. Keep an eye out same time tomorrow for the next video. Make sure you like, comment and subscribe if you haven't already subscribed" I paused

"Byeee everyone"

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