Day 7- Draw my life

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A/N - shorter chapter than I've been doing 

The introduction for day seven of the twenty four days of FlippingFilipa soon rolled onto the screen, today's video was a draw my life. I had a whiteboard and pen which I was so worried for since I'm such a bad drawer

I began to draw Poland and a hospital type thing which looked awful "I was born in Poland back in 2002, it was autumn and mum spent a full 7 hours in labour in the end they thought they would have had to do a C-section" I paused rubbing out the start of my drawing.

The second lot was mum, Dad, my older sister, Grandad Ian and Grandad Oskar, Grandma Amanda and Grandma Inga as well as me as a baby "when I was out of hospital at three days old my mum, dad and older sister Anita were taking me home where my grandparents had a welcome home party with for me, I don't remember the party but theirs loads of pictures of cute little baby me" I rubbed the drawings of and moved on.

I moved on a little and continued explaining my drawing and cringing at myself with how bad my drawings were. I had drew everything which was important and soon got to when Karolina was born "when I was was around the age of 12 my little sister Karolina was born, I was at dance and wondering why mum hadn't came to pick me up, things turned out that mum was in labour with the little one."  Voiced over while drawing.

I drew a plane and this was the hardest part, mum, dad, Anita and Karolina were on the plane and it was awful and I had tears in my eyes "a few months after Karo was born it was the summer holiday, we call came over to the U.K. Because I was staying with my grandparents. When the four of them were going back home their was a accident, Karolina was the only one to survive in my family" I voiced over getting nurves.

I then continued to draw the care home, mile stones and everything that happened, continuing to draw when met Zoe and Alfie and all the things since then "a few months ago Zoe and Alfie adopted me. It was shocking and I was so happy and now I'm in a loving family. I have amazing friends and I just love everything, my dance is getting better day by day and everything is great" I finished off as I ended the shortest video

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