Day 8- Baby Food Challenge

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The introduction for day 8 rolled onto the screen making me nervous for today's video, I mean anyone would be it's a baby food challenge which is surely horrible, yeah baby's eat baby food but why would teens eat it.

"Hello and welcome to day 8 of the 24 days of FlippingFilipa" I paused biting my lip "so today I'm joined by My two best friends Elinor and Elizabeth and we're doing" I paused looking at my two friends "the Baby food challenge" we all shouted

"So we have a variety of different baby foods and Zoe who's on the camera is going to give us each a spoon of one of the baby foods. We're going to wear out blind folds when we have finished we have to guess what they are and we're going to do a little twist." I paused with a smirk. "Well the twist is... the ones we get wrong we have to put into a jug and we will be have to blend them all together and drink it" I laughed with the girls cringing. "So let's get on with this video" I called.

Myself, Elizabeth and Elinor slipped our blindfolds onto our face and were ready for the videos Zoe handed us each a spoon which I guess had the first food on, Zoe had shown the camera the package of our first one so the three of us smelt the Baby food but I couldn't figure out what it was. "One, Two, Three" i counted us down to try the type of food. "Eww what is this" I cringed not wanting to swallow it.

"Guess on the count of three" Zoe told us and we nodded as she counted down "Chicken?" Elizabeth and myself answered were as Elinor  answered something completely different "Cheese and Vegetables" she answered before the three of us took our blindfolds off and Zoe showed us what it was "it was Cheese and Vegetable meledy" i read out loud making a long sigh, Me and Elizabeth had to add half of the rest of the baby food into a cup to blend

"So far Elinor is doing really well but this is the first one theirs still 11 to go" I laughed hoping theirs some good food since Zoe and Alfie brought them without me knowing what they are. We put our blindfolds back over our eyes as Zoe gets our second one ready and she shoes the camera the package. "This smells so Bad" Elinor crys making me and Eliza laugh, we counted down and tried the second one which also tasted so bad and I really didn't want to eat it but I suffered in silence "one,, two, three guess" Zoe told us telling us it was time to guess the food

"Apple and Carrot?" The three of us all answered taking out blindfolds on, we find out it was almost fully correct but we still had to add the baby food to our cups. Once again we covered our eyes with the blindfolds ready for the third food, Zoe handed us each a spoon and I smelt mine to see what it smelt like, it kinda smelt fruity so I guess it could have fruit in it. "One, Two, Three" i count down for us to try our foods. Surprisingly it was actually quite nice and I liked it, it tasted a little bit like fruit so I guess it was fruit. "Guess in three" Zoe told us counting down from three to zero.

"Pears" Elinor guesses where as Elizabeth guessed something different "Apple and Pears?" she guessed. "Fruit salad?" I guessed  biting my lip and we pull off our blindfolds. "YESSSS" I scream laughing at myself when I realised I had got it correct, we moved on and the fourth one me and Elizabeth guesses chicken and Elinor guessed turkey, she had to add some of the food to her cup, it was Sunday chicken dinner.

The fifth one was peach pudding which I got wrong but Elinor and Elizabeth got it correct, probably because I've never really tried a peach before. Moving on to number six I felt really horrible probably because I couldn't stand anything so far. Neither of the three of us got it correct since it was pear and. Cinnamon porridge but we all guesses something different Elinor guesses sweet porridge, Elizabeth guesses Pear porridge and I guessed Cinnamon Porridge, I just couldn't taste the pear.

The seventh food was pumpkin and Beef hot pot but none of us got things right Elinor guesses butternut squash mash, Elizabeth got it half right by guessing  beef but I  guessed some sort of mash because I couldn't even tell. We moved on to number eight and once again our blindfolds were on once again it ended up being Turkey stir fry but none of us guesses what it was, I guessed Chicken and Vegetables like Elinor where as Elizabeth guessed vegetables, so we all added some to our cups.

We only had four more baby foods left which I was pretty glad about since it was making me feel sick with hot dishonest of the foods are. Zoe handed us our eighth spoon, this was a tomato, mozzarella and pasta stars food but it was only me who guessed it correctly since Elinor guessed pasta and Elizabeth guesses cheesy pasta which were kinda close but not exactly the right thing so they added them to their cups.

Our ninth was actually pretty nice it was Banana and chocolate pudding but the three of us still only guessed half of it correct and had to add it to our cups, trust me for baby food it was nice but we only guessed the chocolate half so we had to add it to our cups.

Our tenth food was fruity Apple and oats pudding and it tasted rather weird, lumpy but fruity, I wasn't keen on it but I had to try it. Elizabeth guesses correctly where as me and Elinor were wrong, I guessed Apple and Elinor guessed oats.

We finally grabbed our last food which was pretty nice it was strawberry and apple purée but I only guessed the strawberry and Apple part, Elinor guessed some fruity yogurt and Elizabeth guesses Apple yogurt.

The video had once we had tried our blended mixtures which were all horrible trust me. "Thank you everyone for watching today's video I hope you enjoyed it by that's t today. If you liked this comment below and like and I'll see you all tomorrow" I paused

"Byee" the three of us smiled.

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