Day 4- The Pizza Challenge

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The introduction for day four of my 24 days of FlippingFilipa rolled and I felt a bunch of butterfly's in my stomach because it's my first proper video with Alfie

"Hellllooooo and welcome to the fourth day of 24 days of FlippingFilipa. Today I'm joined by my amazing foster dad also known as Alfie Deyes" I grinned doing some weird things with my hands "today you can probably tell that we're going to be doing the Pizza challenge, would you like to explain the rules?" I asked Alfie looking to my left where he was sat "so we have two pizza bases, two different sauces aswell as 20 different toppings, ten good toppings and ten bad toppings. We're going to be picking one each time and that one will go on top our pizzas" Alfie explained

"The two sauces we have are chocolate sauce and your regular tomato topping" I started of by adding "and the toppings are Good toppings Pepperoni, Minstrels, chicken, Marshmallow, Mushrooms, Peanut butter, Candy canes, Strawberry, Pineapple, Bonbons and Strawberry laces" I stoped reading and let Alfie carry on "And the Bad toppings are Lemon, Carrot, Mustard, Shrimp, Hot sauce, Peppers, Toothpaste, Cooked rice, Tuna, Grapes and Honey" Alfie read our list

"So we've got a base each and now we're going to pick out which sauces our pizzas are going to be" I explained as I closed my eyes and pull out a folded paper and Alfie took the second one "I've got chocolate sauce" I read mine which meant Alfie had the regular sauce I think Alfie is going to have more luck with this challenge than I am" I laughed as we put the sauces on and then the cheese, yes cheese on my chocolate one aswell.

"So we're going to do Rock Paper Scissors to see who will pick a ingredient first" I speak before me and Alfie do Rock Paper Scissors and it ends up Alfie gets to go first "pineapple" he reads what he had got out and I sighed a sigh of relief, even though it's on the good side I didn't want it on my pizza. I close my eyes and fiddle my hand around the pot before pulling a square piece of paper out and opening it up.

"Toothpaste" I read out loud frowning "this is going to be the worst pizza I've ever seen" I cringe as I squeezed it into my pizza, so far my pizza looked horrible and I was not looking forward to it. Alfie closes his eyes and pulled his next one out opening it and reading it "Shrimp" he frowns and I laughed slightly since he had got a bad one so we're almost equal.

I was next to choose so my hand went into the pot and pulled open a price of paper and read the words "honey" great this pizza is looking fantastically horrible. "Your not doing to well" Alfie chuckeled as we continued going back and forth choosing toppings "So before we put our pizzas in the oven we're going to tell you what we got so Alfie too go first" I grinned.

"I got shrimp, pineapple, strawberry, bonbons, lemon, carrot, peanut butter, marshmallows, cooked rice, peppers and mushrooms" Alfie says while I film his pizza. "I got toothpaste, Honey, mustard, hot sauce, tuna, grapes, minstrels, pepperoni, chicken, candy canes and strawberry laces" I cringe reading my pizza list it was so horrible "Well guys we will see you again after the pizza is looked" I grinned as Zoe filmed us going over to the oven and put our pizzas in.

Once our pizzas were cook we were both sat again sitting at the table "this is my pizza after it has been cooked" I film my pizza and move to Alfie's "and this is dads" I smiled as I gave the camera back to Zoe who set it onto my tripod, well Zoe's tripod.

We cut our pizzas and tried it "well this is a different taste" I speak cringeing not wanting to swallow my bite of pizza, Alfie did the same. "We are going to get Zoe, Poppy, Sean and Joe to try both of our pizzas and see which is the best" I told the viewers and we did. Their faces said it all

"Well that's it for today's video. I hope you enjoyed this video and keep an eye out for tomorrow" I paused "don't forget to like and comment this video and go and watch the behind the scenes on Alfie's Vlog channel aswell the video we filmed on his which is the never have I ever" I finished


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