Day 18- Winter Night Routien

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The introduction of day eighteen of my 24 days of FlippingFilipa rolled onto the screen. Today was a routine video and it was a winters nighttime routine, so exciting for some of the people who watch my videos.

"Hello and welcome to day 18 of 24 days of FlippingFilipa and today I'm doing a winters night time routine" I grinned into the camera "this will be a after dance routine since I spend ages on dance and sometimes I don't get home until 9 or later" I explained with a little laugh "so without any more chatting let's get on with the video" I smiled clicking my fingers and appearing downstairs.

"So when I get home from dance I hang my coat up on the hangers, I take my shoes off and place them on the stairs before walking through to the kitchen and grabbing some fruit since it's usually too late to have anything else, I also often have something to eat in between dance at half 7" i did a voice over as Zoe filmed me starting the video. "Zoe usually picks me up from school with Alfie but sometimes she comes on her own" I explained.

"So after having some fruit I'll sit down at the kitchen table and do some of my math or English work since I spend so much time in dance we often don't have time to do our homework during the day" I explained as Zoe filmed me flicking through a English work booklet and writing things down while I do so. "Sometimes I get really frustrated while doing my maths work and I end up stressing myself out which actually became obvious on the screen.

"After spending about a hour to a hour and half doing my homework and school work I decided to go upstairs to my room where I get a shower, today I had decided to use my grapefruit shampoo and my passionfruit body wash, they both smell amazing" I smiled showing my shampoo and body wash to the camera. I wasn't actually going to have a shower since I was being filmed I just had it look like I was to.

"So once I've had a shower I dry myself and sometimes dress myself in a onesie and sometimes a simple Pyjamas set." I voiced over showing a onesie and a pyjama set which I was choosing out of.  "Today I've decided on a onesie since it's cold and I don't fancy freezing to death" I laughed to myself, I was probably exaggerating a little in the video but who cares is all abit of fun. I clicked my fingers and I was soon in a elephant onesie obviously I hadn't changed on camera because that would be abit out of order.

"After getting changed I usually join Zoe and Alfie in the living room with my laptop so I can edit any videos I have or just play games" I smiled getting my laptop and head downstairs where I joined Alfie on the sofa, obviously Zoe was with us but she was doing my filming since I can't do the Million of things I need to do in one video, I sit on the sofa talking to Alfie while laptop before checking the fake time

"At half ten or eleven I hug and kiss Alfie and Zoe good night and head up to my room, I plug my phone in to charge, set Netflix up and climb into bed while watching a show" I finished the video of the day.

"Thank you all for watching today's video, I can't believe we're getting close to the end of 24 days of FlippingFilipa, it's so crazy that for the last 18 days a video has been going up" I laughed "so if you enjoyed this video like and drop a comment, I read them all and if your new or not already subscribed then you can do so below" I smiled

"Byee" I waved

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