Day 19- Winter Morning Routien

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The introduction to Day nineteen rolls onto the screen, it was crazy to think that I only had five days left of 24 days of FlippingFilipa. Today's was the opposite to the video I had uploaded yesterday.

"Hello and welcome to day 19 of 24 days of FlippingFilipa, theirs only four more days until Christmas, in literally so excited for my first Christmas with Zoe and Alfie" I smiled widely "so today's video is going to be a winters morning Routine, it will be a school day but I'll add what I do on weekends in" I smiled cutting the video and getting ready, I changed into a onesie and climbed under my covers.

My alarm rings and I grown "so my alarm usually rings at 6:35 and I roll over and turn it off, sometimes I have to be up already since sometimes we start dance at 7 and then have school from 9 till 12, each day is different and that's what I love about going to a dance school" I voiced over while I was still in bed "so when I eventually decide it's time to get out of bed I push back my sheets and make my bed I turn the light on before grabbing my clothes and placing them on my bed" I explained to the camera. "So I don't shower in the morning when I'm heading to school since theirs no point if I'm going I get all hot and sweaty when dancing all day" I laughed showing everyone my outfit for the day. "so now I'm going to get dressed I'll see you all in a moment" I say clicking and then I appeared again in a leotard with some leggings and crop top.

"So now I'm going to go down for breakfast so I'll see you all down their" I smiled putting my thumb up to the camera as I walked downstairs with Zoe behind her. Once we were in the kitchen we went to the cupboard and I opened them "so now I've decided today I'm going to have a bowl of cornflakes with a Apple aswell as a glass of orange juice while I scroll through Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat" I explained as I continued with the video, I figured it would be a shorter chapter but seems to be a good one.

"So now I've finished my breakfast I am
Ready for school so I'll run upstairs and do my teeth and wash my face before putting my up and putting it into a messy bun and I'll grab my bag" I smiled clicking and appearing upstairs in my bathroom where I was sorting myself out. I was soon back downstairs and by the door "well now I'm off to school bye everyone" I waved going out the door.

I once again was sat in my room smiling "well that's it for another FlippingFilipa, It's a short video but I thought I might as well do a opposite as what last night was, I hope you enjoyed this, if you did like this video the don't forget to comment" I paused "don't forget to subscribe if your not already" I smiled

"Bye" I waved.

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