Day 23- Seven Second Challenge

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The introduction for day twentyThree of my 24 days of FlippingFilipa rolled onto the screen and I grinned. I was joined by Zoe and Alfie also with Poppy on the camera

"Hello and welcome to day 23 of 24 days of FlippingFilipa, who can believe it" I laughed "so today I'm joined by Zoe and Alfie while Poppy is on camera doing the question and we're doing the seven seconds challenge which I've been dieing to do, don't ask me why I just have." I smiled hearing everyone else laugh. "So let's get on with this video" I soon declared.

The video cut and we were all moving on "so the first challenge is to put your shoes on and lace them up" Poppy reads form the list of challenges we have to do within seven seconds, I can't do my laces with a minute so theirs no chance I'll be able to do them within seven seconds. Poppy countered us down and then we started "stop" poppy declared after seven seconds. I lost this round and Alfie and Zoe both managed to do one shoe but not the other.

"So the first round none gets a point so moving on, you have seven seconds to go to a contact on your phone and ring them" Poppy reads before she counts down and I quickly grab my phone, unlock it and phone Elizabeth and laugh happily when she picks up "hello?" She asks hearing my laugh "thank you Eliza, you helped me win this round" I laughed having a quick conversation with her before hanging up on her

"So after round two it's one point to Filipa and Alfie and Zoe are still drawing on no points, let's see who can get past round three with a point" Poppy grins as I'm still excited about getting a point "so for round three you have seven seconds to go to the fridge and poor yourself a glass of orange juice" Poppy shrugged as she  counted us in and the three of us ran like cats and dogs to the fridge and grabbed a glass before the seven seconds were up "well none got a point that round so let's move on Poppy smiled as we all sat back down.

We did three more rounds which Alfie one, along with Zoe. I won one as well as Zoe and we both lost the third in the end Be and Zoe were drawing with two points and Alfie had one point. We had two more rounds to see how we were going to end the challenge. It was getting good and I was having so much fun with this video I didn't want it to end.

"So this is one of our last challenges and the challenges is to out two jumpers on in under seven second" Poppy smiled and i frowned I knew I was surely going to be able to do so but I think Zoe and Alfie would also be able to do the same, Poppy counted us in and we immediately started and we all got a point meaning me and Zoe were still on three and Alfie was on two.

"So our final challenge is a tie breaker between Zoe and myself but Alfie here is still going to join in" I explained and Poppy nodded telling us or last challenge which was to run up to my room and grab one of my bows, this was going to be really difficult to do under seven seconds, not just difficult more like impossible, we were soon off and I ran up the stairs into my room and grabbed my pastel purple now before passing Zoe and Alfie and rubbing downstairs over seven seconds but still before both of my adopted parents, I ended up getting the point since I still beat Zoe which means I won the whole thing.

"Well guys that's it for the video, tomorrow's video is the last one in my 24 days of FlippingFilipa by after I've decided I'll probably upload on Mondays or Saturdays. So if you enjoyed this video don't forget to like and comment and if your not already subscribed then click the red button below" I smiled happily

"Byee" I waved

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