Meet Filipa Broż

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Name: Filipa Zofia-Skylee Broż

Age: 14 years old

Mother - Rosary Regan (Deceased)

Father - Wiktor Broż (Deceased)

Older sister- Anita Zofie Broż
Little sister - Karolina Lexa Broż

Grandmother: Amanda Regan

Grandfather: Ian Regan

Grandmother: Inga Broż

Grandfather: Oskar Broż



Filipa is originally from Poland but she lives in a care home in the U.K. Since her parents died a year ago, she lives with her baby sister in the home and would do anything for her sister


Well I know this bio is short but well i kinda had written a longer version and as I was copying it over from my notes I stupidly deleted it but if theirs anything you want to know about Filipa feel free to comment below and I'll answer. This is my second YouTube sort of book, my first one is 'The Oldest SacconeJoly' which I try to update twice a week sometimes more if your lucky 😂😏

Also while I've got your attention I think you should go and check out honey_mist_auburn books because she is amazing, she's got amazing books and she's always their and been supporting me since April (I think😂)

Anyway goodbye for now and I'll see you in the next chapter


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