Day 10- Eat It Or Wear It

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The introduction for day ten of 24 days of FlippingFilipa rolled onto the screen and I smiled widely, today I was doing the eat it or wear it challenging with joe and we were in the garden so it was pretty cold, we also had Zoe and Alfie on hand with towels, bowls and all the things we will either be eating or wearing.

"HELLLOOOO and welcome to day ten of the 24 days of FlippingFilipa Filipa, Today Im joined by Joeee and were doing the eat it or wear it challenging, care to explain what this challenge is about dear Joseph" I laughed trying to sound all sophisticated but obviously failing. "The Eat It Or Wear It challenge is going to get messy we have two bowls one with the sixteen different items, some good some, bad names on them and we have a bowl with the words eat it or the words wear it on" joe stars as Zoe passes me a bowl and Alfie passed Joe one

"If we don't eat what we have to OR we spit it out then we have to also dump it onto our head as a forfeit, if you do eat it and don't spit it out then the other person has to wear it instead" I add on smirking getting ready for the game "oh and we don't know what their is for the challenge since we got Zoe and Alfie to buy everything for the challenge" I told everyone nurvesly "so let's get on with this messy video" I grinned.

"So myself and joe are going to be doing Rock Paper Scissors to see who will be picking first" I explained as me and joe began to do it to find out who would be picking. We did best of three and Joe ended up having to start Zoe held the bowl of the foods as he picked his first one out. "Cold tomato soup" joe reads from the piece of paper making me cringe slightly at how disgusting that sounded Alfie holds his bowl with the bunch of paper with Eat it or wear it written into and picked it out "eat it" he reads out loud

Zoe reaches into a brown bag and pulls out the tomato soup while Alfie handed her a can opener which she used to open the can of soup. I definitely knew this was going over my head even though it's cold and who eats soup cold, Joe grabbed a spoon and then ate some making me close my eyes really tight "sorry about this" joe apologised before dumping the empty tomato soup onto my head, I cringed and felt it drip down my head and neck making me have shivers go down my spine. It was now my turn to pick out.

Zoe held the bowl and I closed my eyes hoping I don't have to wear this next one I pull out the paper "pineapple" I read closing my eyes since I hate pineapple, I can't really stand it on it's own. "Great" I cried as Alfie held the bowl and I pulled out the second paper "eat it" I grumbled even though I was glad it wasn't wear it, the can was opened and I took out a chunk putting it in my mouth and taking a bite before instantly spitting it out instead of swallowing. I mean I would have swallowed it but I can't stand any type of pineapple "now I have to have it on my head" i cried out loud as I closed my eyes tight and dumped onto my head without any help.

Joe was next and he pulled out Fanta and from the second bowl he pulled wear it so I smirked, now I wasn't the only one who was wearing something. I was up next and once again it was such a bad one, I got tuna and had to wear it, I mean how unlucky am I got Joe to put the tuna on my head and it stunk and before you think I'm joking then you can think again because I'm being serious. It was joes turn once again and he got mustard which he had to wear it so I squinted the bottle of the yellow mustard onto his head

Next was my go and I have to say I was not ready, i was positive I was going to get a bad one and I was right "cold beans" I read from the peice of paper as I let out a long sigh "it better be wear it, theirs no chance in putting beans in my mouth" I cried crossing my fingers as I picked a peice of paper from the bowl Alfie was holding "REALLY!" I screamed when I read the words eat it, I couldn't do it as much as I didn't want to wear beans or anything else for that matter I just couldn't, I did try but in the end I had to dump the beans on my head.

Next was Joes go and he got ice-cream and he had to wear it, I found it rather funny since it was cold, then again I was relieved it wasn't me who had to have it on my head, I think I've had enough "sorry about this MrIdiotKing" I laughed as I scooped the cold food from the tub and plonking it onto his head "cold" he squeezed like a little girl making us all laugh "don't be a baby I've had way more dumped on my head and we're not even finished the game yet" I laughed.

It was once again my turn and I pulled whipped cream from the bowl i got to eat it which meant I had to squirt some on Joes head which was fun. We continued playing the game and joe ended up having slot more over his head including, hot sauce, coleslaw and custard and I had kidney beans over mine as well as eating the custard. The game was so much fun and I wanted to play again

"Well that's it for today, I hope you all enjoyed seeing us get a mess. If you liked don't forget to comment and leave a like and if you haven't already subscribe" I finished

"Byee" I waved ending the video completely

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