Starting school

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When you start a new school you have to put on a brave face, people don't know you, they judge you before they know you. Most people never learn that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover that's when things always go wrong. Elizabeth was meeting me at school with Annalisa. Eliza and Annie are both hoping I'm in their classes. I knew today Alfie was driving me to school but after today I'll be walking with Elizabeth and we will be meeting Annalisa at school.

After ten minutes of laying i pulled the sheets from off me and forded myself to get out of bed I made my way into the bathroom and turned the shower on and then went back into my room and picked out my Navy blue towels heading into the bathroom once again. The water was soon warm and I climbed under the water and stood their for a minute before using my apple shampoo and conditioner before moving on to my Lemon body wash. I continued to wash myself and then stood under the water for another ten minutes just trying to calm myself down.

I climbed from the shower and wrapped myself into my towel knowing that I now had three quarters of a hour to get dressed and I'll then have ten minutes to have breakfast before Alfie will have to drive me to school. Drying myself took around ten minutes because I took my time but soon I was stood with my underwear on before pulling on a crisp white blouse, a black pair of tights with a lighter black probably grey skirt which stopped above my knees, I pulled my blazer off the coat hanger in my wardrobe before grabbing my white striped hoodie which I pulled over my head and flipped the hood down, i was almost fully dressed so I sit at my make-up vanity and brush my hair.

I decided to leave my hair down today because I was running out of time, I added some simple make up and then clipped my simple silver necklace around my next, my black watch to my wrist and then my shoes which were a black with a Velcro strap. I then pull my Black blazer on and flip the hood over the collar. I slipped my case less phone into one of the blazer pockets before grabbing my light brown leather bag pack and headed downstairs.

 I slipped my case less phone into one of the blazer pockets before grabbing my light brown leather bag pack and headed downstairs

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Once I was downstairs I was immediately greeted by Nala which made me smile. I love her so much, I'm not even kidding even in my worst moods Nala really does cheer me up.

"Morning Alfie" I smiled seeing him making a coffee as I entered the kitchen "morning shorty, you ready for your first day at school?" Alfie asked me and I shrugged. I guess I was nurves more than ready but I don't know "I guess so, it's going to be scary, New schools always are. I should know" I spoke mumbling the last little sentence "hey it will be fine, before you know it you'll be back here playing with Nala" Alfie spoke pulling me into a hug.

I rested my head on his torsos while he hugged me making me feel a lot better. Then I looked around and Zoe had joined the hug so it was like a little Filipa sandwich. I giggled to myself thinking about what I just said and soon we all pulled away and I smiled again "what you giggling about" Zoe asked and I bit my lip trying not to fall into fits of giggles "it was like a little Filipa Sandwich" is all I could say before having to bite my lip again to stop me from laughing

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