Caught in a web of lies, Mayuri finds herself becoming the victim and suffering at the hands of her peers. She sees the outer world just within her reach in the sky above, but she finds herself trapped in the shrinking confines of her mind where the...
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TW - Mentions of self-harm and bullying
My footsteps echoed along with the jangle of my silver angel wing earrings with my every step through the polished tiled floors of the school hallway. I carried three pink pastries boxes all stacked on top of each other in a tower. I had an arm underneath the stack of boxes and one on top of the stack. On my left were a bunch of doors leading to classrooms. On my right were a bunched or arched windows all lined up in a row in a similar fashion as the Hall of Mirrors in the Caste of Versailles. Outside the windows the sun was setting, reflecting off the windows as it was late afternoon. I was the only one in the hallway and I could hear myself, making the atmosphere feel much more creepier than it actually is. It also made the entire walk feel lonely, as I was the only one in the hallway. Finally, I reached the room that my clients were at. Music Room 3.
I twisted the knob to the door and opened, entering the music room. The Host Club were in session. Tamaki Souh, the club's leader, was flirting with the girls. But, that's nothing really new. The entire club, comprised of Kyoya Ootori, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka, and Takashi "Mori" Morinozuk, is literally dedicated to flirting with the girls who have too much time on their hands.
Tamaki stood up once he saw me. "Ah, you're here with orders!" He grinned.
"Yeah," I nodded nonchalantly. "Sorry about being late." I set them down on the table Tamaki was out and opened the boxes. All the guests at his sofa leaned over to peer inside the box. All the cakes and cookies inside seemed to sparkle at his beautiful they were. And they tasted as good as they looked as well, an honor my family take pride in keeping up with.
"They look so good!" A frequent client complimented me.
"Thanks," I nodded off the compliment as I distributed out the desserts for every host. Every table that I had set all the hosts and guests thanked me as they reached out for a little treat and continued on with their conversation.
Once I was finished setting all the tables, I turned around to leave only to bump right into Tamaki behind me. "Oh, Senpai, I'm so sorry I didn't--" I started.
"No need to apologize," He gave me a typical flirty smirk that he gave to all his female clients as he placed his hands on my back, did a quarter-turn and had swept me off my feet while placing his hands on the small of back. "In fact, you work so hard, why not take a break and visit one of us hosts?"
As the girls who were staring at us made those heart-shaped eyes as they clasped their hands together and gushed at his cute it was. "I apologize," I sighed, straightening myself as I gently pushed Tamaki off of me. "But I have to decline. I appreciate the offer. I'll keep that in mind."
As I walked out of the Host Club, not even turning back to wave goodbye, I passed by Haruhi Fujioka, a brand new member of the Host Club. He was commoner, here only on scholarship, and basically was serving time here for breaking a super expensive vase. As I passed by him and his clients, time slowed down as my green eyes and his brown eyes locked with each other momentarily before I quickly looked away as I hurried my steps out towards the door. "Really," I heard Tamaki call in the background. "Are you sure--"
"No thanks!" I shouted in panic accidentally as I twisted the door open and slammed it shut behind me, pressing my hands against the door as I panted, dropping my neutral and cold expression on my face as I slid down, grabbing my hair with my hands.
Why? Why were the Host Club so persistent on having me at their club? Why do they want me to visit the Host Club? Why am I freaking out? I drop off the pastries every day and Tamaki does the same stupid trick into winning me over and rent or buy or whatever the process is called a host. It's the same dumb routine every day! Why am I so peeved today?
I stopped grabbing my hair as I gripped my arm, the sleeve of the sunny yellow dress sliding down a bit and revealing a scar of a slit. I just want to be invisible! That's why I transferred here! Right? I made it clear that I don't want to talk to anybody so I could be invisible! So why are my classmates trying to talk to me? Why?
I felt a flashback creeping up as I looked up to see myself in my younger form as a crowd of students surrounded me. They all had their fingers pointed at me and shouted insults at me and telling me to just leave this surface of this planet. And amongst the crowd of students I saw a certain redhead...
I rubbed my eyes even though I wasn't crying as I squeezed them shut, blocking the memory out of my head. Now is not the time to panic. I just took my medication before I dropped off the pastries, so I should be fine. But I'm not. I'm sitting in front of the door to my client, freaking out over the same old routine I do every single freaking day since I transferred here. I stood up, walking away from the club room when suddenly my walking footsteps turned into running and my running turned into a mad dash as I pumped my legs, turning my head around only to see myself as my younger self running away from the endless crowd of people, pointing at me and ridiculing me. And once again, I saw that redhead, only this time her lips were curled up in a devilish smirk and she led the crowd of students against me...
I bumped into someone, slamming right into them as I bounced back, landing on my bottom. "Ouch!" I cried.
"Woah, are you okay?" A voice asked me.
I looked up only to see the face of Haruhi and I froze, nervously staring at him. "Um...I..." I sweated, glancing back only to see nothing behind me. I was in the present now, and Haruhi helped send me back to reality. "I apologize..." I started, getting up. "I didn't see you there, Haruhi. Why are you out here and not in the club room?"
"I was in the bathroom," He explained. "I was just leaving when you ran into me."
"Oh," I blushed, unable to go back to my straight face. Darn it! How hard is it to keep a expressionless face on you? "Wel, uh...sorry for running into you."
"Hey, are you okay?" Haruhi placed a comforting hand in my forearm, causing me to flinch from the contact. "If I may ask...why were you running?"
"Oh...ah...." I tried to make up some white lie. "I...I just remembered that I had to be home early today and I ran so that I could be home on time and my parents wouldn't worry!" I fibbed.
"Oh...that makes sense," Haruhi nodded as he placed a finger under his chin. "I'll guess I see you tomorrow then...uh..."
Oh. He wanted my name? I want to stay invisible, but I don't want to be rude! "It's Mayuri," I told him. "Mayuri Izumi."
"Oh," Haruhi replied. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow again, Mayuri."
"Yes," I nodded, finally restoring my cold and hardened look. "Goodbye."
As Haruhi and I walked away from each other, I finally reached the back of the school and exhaled, somehow feeling lighter than usual as I grabbed my forearms and turned behind me, looking at the school looking too presumptuous for its own good. This is my sanctuary... I thought. My ticket to freedom from that hell. And all I have to do is stay invisible...
I shook my head in disappointment at my behavior today and I went over to my moped and took my helmet off that was hanging on the handle and slid it into my black hair that reached to the middle of my back and clicked it on as I climbed into the bike, turning it on and revving it up. As I sped away from the school, I thought to myself, You can do better than this. You two steps forward getting here and staying invisible. Today's just a fluke and a one step back. Tomorrow, go another two steps forward and keep on staying invisible. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Whoa oops had promised to write this since...January. Sorry to keep you readers waiting! Thanks for those who stayed patient and waited for me to finally update this book!