Caught in a web of lies, Mayuri finds herself becoming the victim and suffering at the hands of her peers. She sees the outer world just within her reach in the sky above, but she finds herself trapped in the shrinking confines of her mind where the...
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Sweet chapter ^_^
I brushed my layered black hair in a desperate attempt to look nice, even though it was slightly redundant cause no matter how many times I ran the brush through my hair, it looked the same. Over the phone, Haruhi and I agreed to a movie date, go out for some ice cream, and finish our date by walking her back to Haruhi's apartment. I wore a cream cardigan button up sweater with a light brown long-sleeve underneath with a lace collar, a pink miniskirt, black tights and brown sneakers.
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I twirl in my full-length mirror, checking my outfit out for one last time before walking down the stairs carefully in my brand new shoes that I had purchased. I was pretty nervous for this date, as any normal person was, even though this wasn't my first date ever. I went down the stairs, trying not to scuff my new shoes as I exited the house, opening my phone where I have saved Haruhi's address onto it in my notes app. I headed to Haruhi's apartment complex and knocked on the door to her apartment. The door swung open and I smiled, "Hi Haruhi--"
I froze, my eyes traveling down her outfit, taking in what she was wearing. Haruhi wore a v-neck pink dress with thin straps and a black camisole with straps that crossed over in a "X" design before wrapping over her neck, a light pink cardigan, and black sandals.
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"What is it?" She asked. "Is there something wrong with me?"
"N-No!" I stammered, waving my hands in front of me in exasperation. "It's just...I didn't expect you to dress up so...girly."
"Is something wrong with that?" She asked once again.
"What if someone from school recognizes you?" I proposed a potential problem.
"It's good that I kept these," Haruhi said as she turned around monetarily and pulled out some twin drills hair extensions that matched her hair color and she clipped onto her head.
"Well...that's good then," I stepped to the side, allowing Haruhi to step out. "Shall we?"
"Yeah," Haruhi nodded as we began to head to the cinema. Once we arrived, we looked at the movies currently being played in theaters. I didn't really care for any movie in particular, so I turned to Haruhi to ask for her opinion.
"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked.
"I was thinking about Kimi no Na wa," She replied.
We stopped at the ticket booth and Haruhi purchased the tickets. "Okay then," I smiled as he gave me the tickets. "I'll buy the ice cream later! Is that fair?"
"Sure!" She shrugged. "We better get our seats now if we want the best seats."
"Oh! Right!" I nodded, walking with Kaoru into the theater.
"That movie was really good," I commented as Haruhi and I stepped out of the theater and headed to the ice cream parlor.
"I agree," Haruhi nodded in agreement. "Did you see how amazing the animation looked? I wonder how big the animation budget was."
"Much much more than usual," I said. "The story was so heartbreaking especially the ending.They saw each other again and knew it was some sort of déjà vu, and they questioned if they knew each other and their names! I hope it gets a sequel."
"I actually hope not," She laughed. "I really doubt they could repeat what magic they created in this movie. It hardly ever happens, and I don't think they'll be able to pull it off."
"I actually didn't think about that," I nodded at Haruhi's point. "That's a different perspective to look out. You got a good point there, Haruhi!"
"Please," Haruhi laughed as we entered the ice cream parlor. "It's just from my experience of movies."
When we entered the parlor, each of us got a small scoop of ice cream in a paper cups, Haruhi getting chocolate and I got strawberry. As we ate our ice cream while sitting in a table at the parlor, I felt like someone's eyes burning in the back of neck. I glanced back, seeing if someone was watching me but I saw no one. I kept looking back often, and Haruhi noticed me constantly looking back glanced behind me as well. "Is something the matter?" She asked with concern.
"I just have the feeling someone is watching me..." I mumbled.
Haruhi looked back once more. "I don't see anyone," Haruhi assured as she placed her hand on my hand and rubbed it. "If anything, it's probably the Host Club. Don't worry, it's nothing."
"Okay," I nodded hesitatingly as I glanced back once more, feeling slightly comforted as we finished our ice cream.
We threw out our paper cups and I walked Haruhi back home. Once we reached outside her complex, Haruhi turned to me and smiled softly. "I really enjoyed our date," She said. "Thanks for taking me out."
"I should thank you, actually!" I blushed. "You returned my feelings and went on this date with me!"
We stared at each other for a few moments before, my nervousness gt the better on me once more and I leaned in, peeking Haruhi on the lips. We kissed for a few seconds, and I thought I saw a flash in the corner of my eyes but I waved it off as me seeing things from the ecstasy of getting slightly intimate with my date.
We seperate from our lip locking and smiled bashfully for each other. Haruhi turned to enter her apartment and waved goodbye and I waved back, delusional in my happiness. As I walked back to my house, I unlocked the door and entered. Kaori looked up from her vacuuming. "How was the date?" She asked.
"Amazing," I breathed as I headed up the stairs.
"Really? Why was it--" She started but saw how happy I looked and closed her mouth before smiling. "I'll ask more tomorrow," She nodded as she resumed her work.
I entered my room, closing the door and kicking my shoes off, not caring anymore if they were new and I was going to scuff them. I collapsed on my bed, hugging my pillow, quickly replaying the entire date in my head and my heart swelled up even more with bliss than during our date and buried my face in my pillow, causing my silver angel wing earrings to jingle as I squealed.