Caught in a web of lies, Mayuri finds herself becoming the victim and suffering at the hands of her peers. She sees the outer world just within her reach in the sky above, but she finds herself trapped in the shrinking confines of her mind where the...
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I was at the supermarket with my maid, Kaori. Both of us were dressed out of our uniforms-mine being my school uniform and Kaori's being her maid outfit-and wore casual clothing because us wearing uniforms in public looks kinda weird especially on a Saturday. I had a grocery list in my hands as Kaori held the basket and walked a few paces behind me, the basket half-filled with groceries. As we walked down the aisles of the grocery store, I held the list in my hand as I scanned the items with one eye and attempted to see where I was walking with the other. With each step I took, my silver angel wing earrings bounced in beat.
I checked the expiration dates on the eggs. See, I'm a little different than most of the wealthy kids my age. Okay, a lot. I know a lot of "commoner" customs that most wealthy kids don't know. After all, I went to a "commoner" school before Ouran.
Since I was in the refrigerated section, I decided to stop by the meat and poultry section since I was near. Reaching my hand to a pack of fish, it collided with another person's hand. I drew my hand back at once. "I'm sorry--" I started but when I looked at who I bumped into, my eyes widened in surprise. "Haruhi?" I asked.
"Mayuri?" He asked me. "It's a surprise seeing you here at the market, Mayuri."
"How so?" I replied.
"You aren't like the other rich kids, that's for sure," he bluntly stated.
I sweatdropped and a vein throbbed at his comment. "Thanks," I sarcastically replied.
"So....are you picking up stuff for...baking?" Haruhi guessed.
"Ha ha," I faked a sarcastic laugh. "No, I'm not. Surprised? I'm just picking up groceries for the week."
"Mayuri, who are you talking to?" Kaori asked.
"Oh, Kaori," I turned around to see my maid. "This is my friend from school, Haruhi Fujioka. Haruhi, this is my maid, Kaori."
"Pleased to meet you," Haruhi gave a curt bow.
"Ah," Kaori smiled. "This is who Mayuri befriended. I have to thank you, Haruhi, as she's become much happier at home after she became friends with you."
"I've noticed at school," Haruhi laughed.
"She's become less robotic," Kaori cupped her hand in front of her mouth and loudly whispered to Haruhi on purpose so I could hear her.
"Ha ha," I rolled my eyes as Kaori and Haruhi burst out into giggles.
Out of nowhere, Tamaki stumbled into the scene. He wore casual clothes as well like us. "Senpai?" Haruhi blinked. "What's the matter?
"Uh..." Tamaki stuttered as he began to rub the back of his head. "I just suddenly wanted to carry your shopping basket, Haruhi! Yes, Daddy loves to carry shopping baskets! Can you believe it?"
Haruhi stared at Tamaki momentarily before laughing, "You're weird."
Tamaki looked into the meat section in fascination, as if this was his first time being here. Probably was. "So...what do you want?" Haruhi asked.
"Meat," Tamaki replied. "No chrysanthemum, please."
"Noted," Haruhi nodded.
I noticed the items in her basket. Thin sliced meat, miso, and mushrooms were in it. "Are you making hot pot?" I asked.
He glanced down at her basket. "Yeah," he sighed. "It's an easy lunch for the Host Club, since they're all there. You and your maid are welcome to join us if you both want to."
"Oh n-no!" I stammered. "I shouldn't! You probably already have a lot of mouths to feed--"
"Actually, she'd love to come!" Kaori cut in, placing a hand in my shoulder and leaning forward, her blonde tresses bouncing with her movement.
"K-Kaori!" I protested in a whisper. "I really don't want to--"
"Oh, come on Mayuri!" Kaori scolded. "It's not like you have anything else better to do at home! If these kids really are your friends, you should hang around them more than just school. There's more to life but the bakery!"
"But--" I started but Kaori glared at me with her stern brown eyes, telling me to keep quiet and say yes. I sighed. "Alright. Fine. Yes, I would like to join you for hot pot."
We were at Haruhi's apartment. It was a bit small, as it consisted on one shared bedroom with him and his father, a small kitchen that connected to a living room with a table and TV and a bathroom. Haruhi's father also dressed like a woman. Not that I have an issue with it. It's the twenty-first century, people. Come on.
A pot full of miso broth was on the table with a portable stove lit underneath it, keeping it boiling hot so we could cook our food. There wasn't really that much space for the Host Club, Haruhi, Koari, and I so we couldn't reach out and cook anything without at least elbowing someone, like I feared. But, I was having a good time, so I guess that's what mattered, at least, to my maid.
I had some cooked meat and mushrooms on my plate. I stabbed a mushroom and was about to take a bite when I noticed Tamaki poking his food. His plate was piled sky-high with chrysanthemum. "Do you not like chrysanthemum?" I asked him.
"Not really," He whined.
"Why did you get a plate full of it?" I sighed as I took his plate and scraped the chrysanthemum onto my plate and scraped my portion of meat onto his. "Let's trade," I handed him back his plate and resumed eating,
Tamaki blinked at me, confused at what I just did, but smiled, "Thanks."
Kaori leaned towards me. "You are closer to this club that you described," she playfully whispered to me as she chomped on her mushroom. "Trading food with a member of this club? How much have you been hiding from us?"
"Aw, come on!" I said, placing my plate down on the table. "I just didn't want you or Mom and Dad getting the wrong idea since they're my clients!"
"It's fine," Kaori laughed. "I was teasing. Sheesh." She placed a hand over mine and smiled at me. "I was being serious earlier, though. I'm glad you made friends like these. You've become a lot more happier at home, and you've stopped being so formal to others, including us."
I smiled softly back in response, "I guess transferring to Ouran did change my life main more ways than one."