Caught in a web of lies, Mayuri finds herself becoming the victim and suffering at the hands of her peers. She sees the outer world just within her reach in the sky above, but she finds herself trapped in the shrinking confines of her mind where the...
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I was shocked. Mayuri only transferred to Ouran to avoid trouble? I mean, her reasonings were logical, but I didn't realize that she was broken when she transferred...
"That's horrible for Mayuri!" Honey cried.
"Her school files didn't mention any of that..." Kyoya muttered. "Her parents must of covered the story."
I guess it explains why she always wear shirts that cover her arms when she went out. A doctor came out. "I have good news," He smiled. "Ms. Mayuri has woken up."
"What room is she in?" I asked.
"Room 109," He replied.
I dashed over to Room 109. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the Host Club trying tp join me but Tamaki held them back. "Let's give Haruhi some privacy," He whispered.
I came into the room to see a nurse bandaging running some tests with Mayuri. When she noticed us she stepped to the side and let go to her bedside as she left the room. Mayuri's eyes glazed over me before they widened, realizing it was me in the room with her.
When I realized that the Host Cub and Kaori were in the hospital room with me, I curled back up into a ball in shame. "Why are you here?" I asked.
"Here's a better question," Haruhi asked. "Why did you try to kill yourself?"
"Haruhi, I didn't want to go through what I went through in middle school again!" I shouted. "I was scared! I tried once in the past and failed. I thought I wouldn't fail this time but I did! Why?!" I sobbed as hot tears fell from my eyelashes, making the blanket damp.
"I understand what you went through was awful in the past, but I would never get over your death if you died!" She yelled. "Mayuri, killing yourself won't stop your life from getting worse! It only prevents it from getting better!"
"Haruhi..." I hiccuped. "I'm so sorry..."
She pulled me into a gentle embrace. "It's okay, Mayuri," She comforted me. I hugged back, burying my face into her shoulder and soaked her shoulder with my tears. My silver angel wing earrings softly jingled with my movements.
A doctor entered the room. "I'm glad you're awake, Ms. Mayuri," They said. "I believe this is the second time you self-harmed and attempted suicide?"
Hanging my head in shame, I nodded yes. "The last time this happened, you visited a counselor, am I correct?" He asked.
I glanced to the side. "Well..." I started. "...not exactly."
"So you ditched your counselor sessions?" The doctor finished.
"...more or less," I responded. "I just wasn't comfortable talking about my problems to a total stranger."
The doctor rubbed his forehead. "Alright, then," He sighed. "Antidepressants and counseling sessions, and maybe to encourage yourself to go to your counseling sessions, take someone along with you."
I nodded, "...okay, sounds good."
The doctor left and I turned back to Haruhi. "I just remembered you broke up with me," I said.
"I misunderstood," Haruhi admitted. "I didn't understand at the moment, but as I cooled down I knew you meant something else, but I just didn't see it at the moment. Hearing what happened from Kaori, I think I understand what you mean now. I'm so sorry I said those hurtful words to you."
"It's fine," I sniffed, grabbing Haruhi into another hug again. "I'm just glad that we're back together again."
"...I love you," Haruhi said. "And I'm sorry."
"I forgive you," I buried my face into her shoulder once more. "And I love you as well."