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 "Let's play the 'Which one is Hikaru?' game!" The twins shout, drawing our attention from Haruhi's table

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"Let's play the 'Which one is Hikaru?' game!" The twins shout, drawing our attention from Haruhi's table. Both Hikaru and Kaoru had caps on to cover their bangs as they stood side-by-side in front of their table of girls as they giggled. "Now then, can you tell which one of us is Hikaru?"

"Oh, this is hard," One of them responded.

"They look too much alike," Another one chimed in.

"There's never been a girl who could really tell us apart before," The twins bragged.

"What a ridiculous game," Haruhi called from his table.

"Something you don't like about it?" The twins playfully pout.

"It's not just that. I can't quite figure out why you two are so popular."

"That's not very nice."

Hikaru and Kaoru took their caps off as they approached Haruhi at his table. "Apparently, Haruhi doesn't understand..." Hikaru started.

"The merits of having twins in the Host Club," Kaoru finished.

"Listen here. Just having a couple of good-looking homosexuals eans plently of high points. And makes a show of teetering between that and friendship is also desirable."

"But in our case, being twins, we get to use this most forbidden of taboos as a weapon."

"On top of that, there's the scenario of having two people, who have such deep ties to each other loving you at the same time."

"It's the ultimate young woman's romance, right?"

"I-I can't bear it any more!" The girls at their table squealed.

Tamaki skidded n the room. "Hikaru! Kaoru!" He shouted. "I let you have control of the club's homepage on the condition that you would take it seriously!"

"And we are taking it seriously," Hikaru stated.

"We were up until dawn last night working on it," Karou added.

"And this is the screen that you made?" Tamaki screamed as he opened the laptop, revealing a picture of Haruhi in a proactive pose, his backside exposed as he turned his head to the drawers, smiling.

Haruhi's jaw dropped. "You look great Haru-chan!" Honey supported.

As the other girls flocked over the laptop, I took one glance at the photo before looking away. It's not because it was embarassing or anything, but the picture doesn't appeal to me, even though I have Haruhi as my host.

"When?" Tamaki yelled at the twins. "When did you take nude photos of Haruhi?!" Letting his fantasies get the better of him, Tamaki sunk to the floor. "You bribed her, didn't you?"

"You're intensely delusional," The twins shrugged.

"It's a composite photo, of course," Kaoru stated.

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