Caught in a web of lies, Mayuri finds herself becoming the victim and suffering at the hands of her peers. She sees the outer world just within her reach in the sky above, but she finds herself trapped in the shrinking confines of her mind where the...
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Justice did come swiftly for me. Kyoya and Tamaki deliver the flash drive and photo strip to the Chairman and he was rightfully furious when he found out. Using the given information Tamaki provided, Chairman called a meeting with Ouran Public School and made them bring Yuna with them so they could meet and force a confession out of her. I wasn't called to this meeting as they were confident that they had enough evidence but just needed to see if Yuna was actually going to admit her wrongdoings or not. Yuna played victim and said it was all my doing all along, but both schools saw through that, even though Ouran Public School were reluctant to believe the Chairman even after the video evidence. But, that's when the photo strip played into our advantage and the Ouran Public School had to believe what they saw and heard and both schools punished Yuna appropriately. Yuna was stripped of any privilege on any school trips for the rest of the year, suspended for a week, sentenced to one month of after school detention, and Ouran Academy banned her forever on any school trip to this school.
Ouran Public Academy gave out an apology through email to my family and I, but it didn't matter at that point. Yuna was finally exposed and punished for her abuse.
Right now, I stood outside Class 1-A with Haruhi, nervous to go inside. "I don't think I can do this, Haruhi," I stuttered. "Perhaps we can try another day?"
"Mayuri, if you don't go inside now, you never will," Haruhi sighed. "It's okay. The Host Club and I sorted the whole poster fiasco out while you were gone. If the other classmates treat you horribly, just know and Hikaru, Kaoru, and I are on your side."
"...thank you," I breathed as I twisted the doorknob and opened it, stepping inside the classroom along with Haruhi.
Everyone in the classroom hushed and stared at me. News of what I had attempted to do had spread pretty quickly in my class and by know, the entire school probably knows. I gulped nervously as I slowly and anxiously made my way to my desk in the back of the classroom. A couple classmates approached me and cold sweat formed on my back. "D-Do you need something?" I stammered.
I was surprised when my female classmate hugged me. "Oh, I heard what you tried to do Mayuri!" She cried. "That's so awful! I'm so sorry!"
"Thanks...for your concerns?" I squeaked at the genuine kindness and concern I was.
"I'm glad you're alright!" Another classmate sighed. "I heard whoever was responsible for all of this was punished appropriately and severely."
Oh, yeah. What happened to Yuna spread quickly around the school too. "I have to admit, I was a bit off-put when I saw that picture of you," Somebody confessed. "I guess I was so surprised to see you with a girl. But, after a few days of thinking about it, I saw that it wasn't a big deal. After all, love is love, right?"
As my classmates gathered around me shared their condolences, I grew more and more shocked at their kindness that I began to cry. Tears just silently slipped down my face as I clasped my hands together. "Oh no, Mayuri's crying!" Somebody gasped. Haruhi looked a bit off-put at my tears and looked as if she was about to step in to calm me down.
"A-Ah, we didn't mean to upset you!" Someone stammered."We were only trying to comfort you!"
"No...I'm not crying because I'm upset..." I looked up at my classmates gratefully through the tears in my eyes. "I'm so grateful that you all are with me, not against me."
I began to cry harder and tremble through my sobs as Haruhi approached me and bent over me, hugging me as her way of comforting me.
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"Okay, Haruhi, I seriously cannot do this," I pleaded with Haruhi to take me out of here. I was in front of the door that will take me to my counselor but I just couldn't do it. I was way too nervous.
"Come on," Haruhi nudged me. "You can do this."
"B-But I can't!" I stammered. "I just can't talk about my problems to an absolute stranger!"
'You know that's kinda their job, right?" Haruhi laughed without humor in her tone.
"...all I can think about is them silently judging me for everything I am telling them," I sighed.
"Mayuri," Haruhi assured me as she took my hand into hers. "They're here to help."
"Okay, then," I took a deep breath in. "I can do this, I can do this, I can do this."
I silently repeated that phrase over and over again as I opened the door leading me into my counselor's office. They looked up from their desk, smiling at me. "Oh, and I actually thought you were going to ditch my sessions again," They joked.
"Haha," I laughed without humor as I sat down on a cushioned chair that was adjacent to the one my counselor sat in as they pulled out a clipboard. "Is it okay if my girlfriend joins me for this session? She's just here for emotionally support."
"Of course," They nodded. "Can you give me a quick summary of what happened?"
I nodded hesitantly as I gave a in a nutshell summary to my counselor and they took notes in what I was saying about. "It would appear that your main issue, besides the obvious depression, is being able to move on completely from this," My counselor concluded.
"But I thought I did..." I mumbled.
"Simply putting on a mask to shield yourself is not moving on," My counselor corrected. "You are just denying that it ever happened to you. Yes, it is a difficult part of your past, but if you want to move on from this, you must battle these feelings head on by accepting it as a part of you and what makes you. The saying 'what doesn't kills you makes you stronger' runs very true for this. Yes, this will scar you now, bit scars fade eventually, right? And so will your grief from this if you choose to move on."
I sat there in utter silence, taking in this insightful information that I was given. It both made sense yet not make any sense at the same time. But, nonetheless, the information they gave me was useful. They were right. If I want to stop being hurt by what happened to me, I have to acknowledge that it happened to me and accept it as part of me so I can move on.
"It appears that you do not need any additional medications besides your antidepressants," My counselor said as she made one last final note on her clipboard before standing up and Haruhi and I followed. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Mayuri," We shook hands. "I hope you come to your next session with me next week."
I bid goodbye to my counselor and I stepped out of their office with Haruhi by my side. "Now, that wasn't so bad, wasn't it?" Haruhi smiled softly.
I nodded in hesitated agreement before turning back to Haruhi. "Can you accompany me for my next session?" I asked.
"Of course," Haruhi nodded. "Anything to get you to get the help you need."