Caught in a web of lies, Mayuri finds herself becoming the victim and suffering at the hands of her peers. She sees the outer world just within her reach in the sky above, but she finds herself trapped in the shrinking confines of her mind where the...
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It was spring of the following year and it was the end of another school year at Ouran. After a short break, we all will return along with a new batch of students that would be joining us for another year at this school.
I stood outside in the courtyard, the cherry blossom petals falling from the cherry blossom trees as the students around me discussed their vacation plans for the short break we would be having before starting our next level of education here at Ouran.
I really had no plans besides working at the bakery and my plans sounded pretty uninteresting to my peers, which I don't blame them for, so I stood there in the courtyard, staring but at the same time not paying attention to, my old classroom before I have to move to the next classroom one year up, when a movement in there caught my eye.
All the students exited the school once classes were over for the year, so there shouldn't be anyone inside the classroom except maybe for someone who left their stuff in there. Nonetheless, I made my way to up my old homeroom just I could have one last look inside it before saying goodbye to it.
Then, I spotted the movement again within the classroom window but being closer to the building, I saw dark brown hair.
That's when I took off running back into the school. I had to be seeing things, right? It couldn't be her, right?
I stopped outside my former classroom, bending over as I gripped the knob to open it, panting in order to catch my breath. I still haven't put my silver angel wing earrings back on and I wasn't used to running without hearing them jingle. I haven't even broken the habit of putting them on in the morning and sometimes I have to go back home because I leave the house wearing them. Old habits die hard I guess.
I slowly twisted the knob opened and pushed the door open slowly, the door squeaking to the slow movement. When I saw her, I quickly pushed the door open all the way.
Haruhi heard me and turned around and gasped when she saw me. I gasped too, taking a step back as well as we stared at each other.
I was wearing the usual sunny yellow Ouran Academy girls uniform dress with white stockings and brown mary-janes, but Haruhi was in a blue and white striped tee shirt with a artificial blue flower on her right shoulder, a jean skirt, and sandals. Her hair had grown out a bit but she kept it trimmed to a short bob cut instead of that boyish style she wore during her year at Ouran.
We continued to stare at each other before Haruhi cleared her throat. "I meant to surprise you that I returned," Haruhi smiled. "But you found me before I got to do that."
"You're back..." I whispered, tearing up at seeing my girlfriend who was gone for an entire year.
"Yes, I'm back," Haruhi laughed. "Hello, Mayuri. How have you been?"
"Good, actually," I replied. "Nothing happened too out of the ordinary here. How was the study abroad in Boston?"
"An interesting experience," Haruhi nodded. "Even with the usual Host Club shenanigans with them suddenly joining me in Boston and all of that. Classes were moderately difficult, English is a language I will never fully wrap my head around, and Boston was a fun city to be in. Overall, a fun and interesting experience. But, I'm glad to be back home. Home sweet home."
"Oh, tell me all about it!" I smiled.
"That can wait," Haruhi looked away from me as she stared through the window of all the students that were leaving the school to commence their vacation.
"...Haruhi?" I asked softly as I approached her. "Is something the matter?"
Haruhi finally looked at me again, but I was shocked at what I saw. Haruhi had tears running down her face as her lip quivered and that caused the tears I was holding back to start falling. "I...I just really missed you!" Haruhi cried as she ran and grabbed me, pulling into a tight hug which I gladly returned as we clung tightly to each other, crying in each other's shoulders.
As I pulled back, sniffling, I placed my hand son her cheeks and leaned in to kiss Haruhi as she was was crying. Haruhi also placed her hands on my cheeks as she kissed me back. The kiss was salty from our tears, but I didn't care. It was the best kiss I had in my entire life, and it was from my only love.
As we pulled back, we stared at each other with teary eyes, wiping each other's tears off our faces which our thumbs. "I missed you, a lot," she whispered,
"I missed you even more," I whispered back.
"Did you keep your promise?" She asked.
"I did," I nodded. "Not a single blade touched me nor did I take a pill I didn't need. Did you keep yours?"
"I did as well," Haruhi nodded also. "I met a lot of people in Boston, but not one did I lay eyes on like when I lay eyes on you."
"Tell me all about it," I pleaded.
"Like I said, that can wait," Haruhi leaned in close so she was near my ear as she took her hands off my face and wrapped them around her waist. "I've got all the time in the world to talk about my trip, but never enough time to spend with you."
"...did you just flirt?" I asked, giggling.
"Sorry," Haruhi blushed as she leaned back, taking one of her hands off my waist as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Was it really bad?"
"Hm, I had a lot of flirts thrown my way," I shrugged as I wrapped my arms around Haruhi's neck. "But yours was the best one yet."
Haruhi laughed as we tipped our heads forward until our foreheads touched as we closed our eyes and smiled through our joyful tears of seeing each other again. Then, Haruhi leaned and we shared another tender, yet salty kiss.