Chapter One.

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!!!This story may bump around a bit. She will meet and know ricks group. This will be before season 7 but end up leading into season 7 of TWD as well. She will meet both Rick and Negans group before going into the season 7 "crisis." lol. Thank you. Just letting you know so there is no confusion. ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter one: Treat a Lady Right

Lillianna's Point of View.

(Beginning of Apocalypse)

"Lily lets go!" My brother yelled at me as the monsters were coming closer to the house. He was looking out the bedroom window as I desperately searched for my mothers necklace. "Lillianna! Now God damn it!" He yelled grabbing his gun and grabbed my hand just in time as I found the silver chain with a ring. Since our mother passed of cancer over two years ago I kept the necklace she always wore with my fathers ring on it. It was something I could have that represented both of them. Before I know it we were running out of the house to the old beat down truck to make our escape.

"Derek get us out of here." I gasped at those.... things coming our way. I could feel vomit rising in my stomach as I looked at their appearances. One with his jaw disconnected, blood flowing down his body and face. Those dark circles under the eyes. The eyes where no life was shown. We were in a nightmare. It had to be only a nightmare.... right?

We backed out of our drive way as quickly as this piece of shit truck could take us and down the old dirt road. I noticed Derek had a look of fear attached onto his face. And that's when I noticed he was looking at the highway. "Fùcking shít." He cursed. Cars, monsters, and people running took over the highway. Derek quickly turned the car around and was heading a different direction.

"Where are we gonna go?" I cry out in agony.

"Well I was gonna take us to Atlanta. But I'm not sure we can go that way. It's too dangerous with all that ciaos right now. So were gonna go through Symara and see whats there and ask about the city. It's only 22 minutes to the big city from there." He said. I nodded. Feeling at least calm and encouraged that we had a plan to go off and weren't running around like headless chickens.

Upon arriving to Symara we looked around at the old homes. Some destroyed, some still standing. People were screaming, crying, and yelling over the destruction and death that flooded the streets. We weren't in extreme populated area, we decided to stick to dirt roads and small areas. Still in a area where we could hopefully find some help, some guidance. Anything.

I looked to my right just in time to see a monster take a bite out of someone. I screeched out in shock as tears rolled down my face.

"I'm trying sis." Derek said as he headed into a bigger town. Finally we see a man in some kind of uniform run up to us. Luckily for our sake this man was alive.

"Please continue to Atlanta. More evacuation services will be provided there." The man yells before running to another car.

"Time for Atlanta, Lil sis."


" NO! Please stop!" I scream out as three built men beat the shīt out of my brother. They wanted our stuff. As those three kicked my brother, another man held me back and laughed.

" Don't worry hun." I looked up at his dark brown eyes. A sinister grin was placed on his ugly asš face. "We will take good care of you." Shìt face cackles. I wanted to tell him to go to hell, however my stupid fear for mine and my brothers life was too strong.

My brothers face was covered in blood. His groans filled my ears. I cried because I couldn't help him. All we wanted was to get to Atlanta. Almost five minutes away and we stop to help one of these 'hurt' men. Can't trust anyone.

"Please." I beg. This doesn't do anything except make them laugh harder at our pain. "Please let us go."

"Please." The one holding me mocks. "Keep begging little girl." He snaps at me looking at them and my brother. "Boys! Enough take our bud there away."

"No!" I scream, reaching for Derek. He shakes his head as groans leave his mouth. I was still held back as they dragged him away. Soon I was stuck with this baštard. "Quit whining stupid bi-"

"Is that anyway to treat a lady?"

I look over at the new voice. Looking at who could possibly be my hero, my savior. Looking at the man dressed in leather, I take in his baseball bat wrapped in barbed-wire. His appearance definitely terrified me, but it also intrigued me. "Who the fûck are you?" The man who held my arm in his hand, most likely leaving a mark.

"The name is Negan. But what you should really be thinking is where you want your grave considering the fact that I am not very fond of you right now and neither is Lucille." He hissed out. Lucille? Who's Lucille?

"Now. Why don't you let the young lady go?" Negan states and within seconds over ten men surround where me and this man stood. Guns all aimed at my attacker. Even though I wasn't the one being verbally threatened all this gun and man power is scaring the sh!t out of me. My attacker backed off me, letting go of my arm as I let out a sigh and stepped back. I held my arm to my chest and noticed a purple and brown bruise forming. I watched as Negan stepped forward towards me and the as$hat.

"L-look man, I don't want no trouble. I just having some fun... dealing with my business. She ain't anything to you so can't we just let it be?" He asked. This jerk! Having some fun? Terrorizing me! It makes me sick.

"Oh sure! I'll just get on my way." Negan says walking past me and a little bit past the man. He's gonna just leave? Who does that? "Oh just a second though, I forgot who I was." He turns around stepping right next to his side. "I forgot that I don't take orders from anyone." And with that he grabs the back of the mans neck and shoves him to the floor.

Negans men close in even more on them, sorta making me feel trapped. I figured though and sort of hoped that I was safer near them than that as$. "P-please." The shìthead cried out as Negan lifted his bat upon his shoulder.

"Please? Please? Isn't that-" Negan stops mid sentence turning his stare toward me, making me flinch inside. "Pardon me dear. What's your name?" A small grin took upon his face.

"Lillianna." I whisper, but loud enough for him to hear me.

"Ah, Lillianna. Yes isn't 'please' what Lillianna was asking you but you didn't listen to her?" He mocked the man. He circled around him, whistling? "So I think it's only fair you see." He stops staring right down at him. "To treat you the same." And with that he lifts the bat above his head, swinging down into the mans skull. I feel bile rise in my throat at the hit. Blood pouring out of the mans head as Negan bashes it in. "Learn. To. Treat. A. Lady. Right." He laughs out as I hide my face behind my hands, trying to block the site of the man and his baseball bat.


Sorry it took so long! Internet has been going out! Comment what you think? Vote? Thanks!

- Avery Moore xx

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