Chapter Nine

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Warning: Violence/ gore

Chapter Nine: Price to Pay

Lillianna's point of view

-Two days Earlier-
Another blow to my stomach had me crying out in pain. Tony I believe his name was, did this quite often. He would come in here and beat me, till he felt like stopping or I'd pass out from the pain. I didn't know why he did this- only that he would say "keeping your mouth shut about this and Rony, is the only thing that can keep you alive."

But no matter how much I'd plead, beg, or promise to stay silent- the beatings would continue. Right now was an example as the tears flowed down my face.


He hit my face so hard, I knew it would leave a bruise.

"Please!" I cried out, putting my hands in front of my face. "I wont say a word! Just stop!" I tried to keep the blows away from my face- bad move.

With a final kick to my stomach, I threw up everywhere. The man, Tony, looked at me with disgust. He muttered a 'gross' before leaving. Slaming that door shut, as I cried I waited for the terrible sound, the click of the lock.


"Are you insane?" I blurted out, before realizing that I just snapped at someone who literally just stated ironing someone would be a good punishment.

"Am I insane? Probably, however I need to ask you something Dolly." He leaned in close to me, causing that same old rise of my heart beat. "If I got revenge for you, if I did awful things to other people, would you stay? Or go running for the hills?" He imitated "running" using two fingers, pointing downwards in that 'running' and walking motion.

"I wouldn't want you to hurt innocent people, I hate him. I hate them. They hurt me so yeah I want them to pay but torture-"

"Wow, wow stop right there dolly. 'They' hurt you? Now I know Rony did, and he's gonna get the iron, and those stupid little boys that lied to me are gonna get what they deserve as well, but let me get this straight. Did anyone else physically hurt you?" He demanded. Shit.

I didn't know what he was going to do. I hated Tony for beating me, but could I live with him being burned? Would Negan kill him? I don't want blood on my hands. I couldn't live with myself if I caused someone to die, even that ass.

"No." I breathed out, I watched his annoyed expression, turn into his signature grin.

"Liar, however it's totally okay, I get it." He stands up, grabbing the alcohol and gauz, taking it to the bathroom. He walks out, coming back to sitting in front of me. "You don't want anyone to pay the price, for blood to be on you. Now doll, it wouldn't be on you but me. It's not just about what those sickos did to you it's also the fact that they go behind my back. They lie to me. And they did this to you-"

And with that he grabbed my arm, pulling up my sleeves to show bruises and cuts all over them. "I ain't stupid, I know you entered that cell with a short sleeved and you are wearing long sleeves. Now I'm gonna ask you." I pulled my arms away from his grip, tears sliding down my cheeks.

"Who did it. Who hurt you." His voice was low, giving me chills all over. I shook my head in defiance. I can't do it. I can't let someone die. I have to stay strong.

"Tell me who fücking did it, and all of this- can be over. Just say the name or names. And I'll take care of it." He demanded me, slamming his hands on the table.

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