Chapter Four

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Chapter four: The System

Lilly's Point of View

Running my hand up and down my left arm, gave me the feeling I needed to know I was still here. If no one was gonna comfort me through this. I had to. I watched Negan as he marched around giving orders to men, occasionally making fun of them or throwing in an inappropriate comment.

I don't understand how they put up with him all the time. I barely know him but his sly remarks are already getting on my nerves and they aren't even towards me. He finally tore his attention from two scruffy looking men and towards me. His voice getting a bit softer, but still demanding.

"Lillianna be a doll and come here for a moment." I'm getting real tired of being called doll. I hate that stupid pet name, making me feel inferior to him. He isn't superior to me, never will be. I make my way towards him, slowly feeling my breathing getting rough and shaky again. It happens everytime I'm near him.

"Now, Lilly, I can call you Lilly right?" He gives me his signature grin, waiting for my reply.

"Whatever floats your boat, as long as it's not doll." I mutter, feeling my nerves shaken up when he laughs out loud. That rumble laugh he does a lot, sort of genuine, sort of fake.

"Damn alright, Doll- oops I mean Lilly." He winks at me before pointing to one of the men with Lucille. "This here is Simon, he's my good pal." He comes closer to me before looking around and whispering in my ear lowly.

"He's helped me since this started, gather people and shit, I don't trust these folks that much, especially with just meeting them. They aren't exactly liking me suddenly take charge of everything. So if you ever can't find me around for whatever reason, find my good pal Simon here. He'll make sure these f-ckers don't be messing with you okay?" He nods as if he was answering for me.

"Okay." I look at Simon, taking in his appearance. His tall figure, but more slimmer and less dominant aura compared to Negan. I took in his appearance trying to remember him in case Negan is right and these guys try to hurt me. I ain't saying I trust Negan, but he could be less harmful to me than these guys I haven't spoken a word to.

Soon me and Negan are walking through the doors, down a long hall way and into a room where tables are set up. There isn't a lot of people in here, looks like they are still getting use to all of this change as well. Tables are holding stuff such as blankets, food, and such while people stand behind them. Everyone looks scared out of there mind with all of this, especially a leader with a baseball bat walking around.

A man they don't even really know taking charge of their lives. However I guess in this scary world right now, a leader who will take charge and keep people alive, is good enough. We all are just looking to survive.

"You see Lilly, we are getting started, we are keeping this world alive. We are saving our humanity. As we move along, we will provide security and this can be the beginning of something wonderful." He swings Lucille back and forth, whistiling to himself. I walk with him over to the first table. "For you." He hands me a blanket. "Gotta stay warm right?"

Three weeks, being here, everyday more people fill in to the place. Negan hasn't spoke to me in about two days, busy trying to get everything settled. He came up two days ago with a system. Points. You earn everything. Him and Simon gave jobs to people, well those who could work. We had a few ill, a few handicap. And Negan seemed to be kind to them, trying to find whatever they could do, to help earn their points.

The system seemed a little flawed, but still made sense with everything going on. I got a job about two days ago straight from Simon. Food. I plant and harvest, while also organizing the food. Me, three other women and two men worked together in the "kitchen". It was work, but it set right with me, knowing I was providing food for these people. I was doing my part.

It hurt everyday though knowing my brother was still out there, as I stayed in here. Negan kept his word, he said he sent men out to look for him and came back with nothing.

But it made me angry. He sent Simon to tell me! He didn't even let me go out along with them and every-time I tried to speak to him someone was with him, he was busy always. So after all this wait. I realized I needed to do this on my own. I needed to find my brother. I had to. Whether it was alone or with these people I needed to find him.

"Molly." I call out to the short blonde, her looking at me. "I need you to cover for me today. I have to do something, it's important, but I need your help." I tell her, pleading for her to listen. She looks nervously around, before nodding towards me. She comes closer, right beside me as I was on my knees, planting seeds.

"Okay, but leave soon, between shifts." She whispers before walking away.

After gathering a small bag of some food, water, cutters for the gate, rope,  and a knife. I made my way down the halls. Watching for his new group of men that kept watch. I hurried till I ended up to a door that led me outside. This is it, I have to find him. I'm leaving the safety of the sanctuary.

Standing by the gate, looking through at the woods, I walked closer. Closer to finding him. I need to do this. I have to. "Going somewhere?"

I turn to face him. He wore a white shirt, while Lucille hung over his shoulder. The sounds of his boots, coming closer to me.

"Negan. I have to find him. He has to be out there." I try to tell him but he holds his hand up to silence me.

"I get it. I do. But those rotting monsters will tear your body limb from limb, then what use would you be." He explains, throwing his free hand around as if to add dramatic effect.

"I have to try. I'm thankful for what you did but-"

"No. You aren't going out there. Not tonight." He steps closer to me. Oh boy. That rush of fear and exitement was coming back. "I remember what I told you. That i'd let you go out and find him, but it's not safe. Not even with my men with you." I feel my heart sink. He's really not going to let me go? Is he keeping me prisoner?

"That's why I decided I will go with you. Think of it as service for all your hard work here. Working in the kitchen." He grins I thought he forgot about me. Forgot I was here.

"We leave tomorrow, I'll come and get you a bit after dawn, so go run back to bed. Get some sleep."


HELLO! Another chapter I hope you enjoyed, Next chapter is gonna have more action. So be ready. Vote and Comment what you think! Till next time- X Avery aka Tiff.

His Greatest Fear- Negan Where stories live. Discover now