Chapter Eighteen

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18- Bird in Cage

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18- Bird in Cage

"We need more wine Sherry." I laughed as she got up and grabbed the bottle of red wine, bringing it over to us. I usually hated red wine, but you can't be picky during the end of the world.

"Here you go." She giggled handing me my glass of wine and then pouring her own glass. Once the bottle hit the table, Sherry slumped down on the couch next to me.

"Negan's gonna be pissy when he realizes I allowed you to drink." She brought to our notice. I shrugged in response to this.

"He's always pissy. He drinks. I can drink. And if he's keeping me here, then you bet I'm gonna drink or I'm going to go crazy."

Sherry nodded as if she understood, which she could probably understand now that she is living here with the saviors.

"So. Enough about that. Tell me a bit about yourself. How did you get here? Did you arrive with others besides your sister?" I push. I wanted to know who exactly who these people are and why Negan took them in. At first I would believe it was to be a decent human, but now knowing Negan, he was gaining something from taking them in. I wanted to know what.

"Well, I came here with my sister and Dwight. We were struggling out there, barely holding on and almost dying when Negan found us. My sister, well she has diabetes. She got sick and we almost lost her,"

I could tell this was hurting her, her voice was breaking as she spoke. She almost lost her sister out there. Just like how I lost my brother...

"Negan took us in, and got my sister, Tina, the meds she needed. I'm so grateful that he came when he did. If he didn't, I would have lost her." Her voice shook, and I could almost feel the pain she was feeling.

"Wow, I'm sorry you guys had to experience that stuff. I lost my brother out there, so I understand the feeling of being afraid to lose those you love. If you don't mind me asking... who is Dwight?"

His name made a smile rise on her face, the sadness slowly going away. "He's my husband. He did everything in his power to keep me and my sister alive." She poured another glass of red wine for herself, taking a sip, before continuing.

"He however has been struggling with the saviors taking us in. He doesn't know if we can trust the people here. He has always been a cautious one though, so hopefully he realizes it's better here then out there." She sighed by the end, obviously frustrated with Dwight's unwillingness to comply and accept this place.

"I get what Dwight's saying. Now don't get me wrong, people need other people to survive. But I don't believe it's better in here than out there. Sure there aren't dead freaks in here. The dead try to hurt you, not knowing anything else, but these people in here," I gestured to the walls around us. "They hurt you on purpose, have the ability to care, but don't."

She stayed quiet for a bit after I said that. I realized in this short period Sherry didn't mean any harm to me, but she was so naive thinking this place as a safe haven. Safe haven isn't a cage.

"Knock Knock! Ladies it's me." Negan shouted, pushing the door open, smiling when he saw us. His hair was a little crazy, but Lucille looked clean so hopefully no one died. "Sherry thank you oh so very much for taking care of dollface here, but if you could now kindly leave, I'd love to speak with Lilly." He tilts his head down, using Lucille to point towards the door.

Sherry gets up quickly, turning and looking at me before speaking.

"I'll see you around Lilly." And with that she was out the door and Negan was shutting it, shutting me in here alone with him.

I get up and go and change real fast in the bathroom, when I come out he's stripped down to his underwear and sitting on the bed with papers in his hands.

"So precious, ya'll talk about me today?" He winked, as I climbed into the bed beside him.

"You wish." I snort, pulling the comforter over my body. Negan sets the papers down on the nightstand before rolling over to face me. He grinned at me before noticing my frowned face and his grin dropped.

"Oh doll, quit being mad at me. I'm doing this for you. Take my concern and preparations as a compliment." He sighed, running his hand through his dark thick hair.

"Preparations? For what?! Negan listen to me, please. I understand you wan't to protect me, but not like this. I can't stand it being trapped here. Even if it was you who was taking me out into the world once in a while It'd be better than this cage." Crying out, I just continued to get frustrated with him.

"Cage? Ouch dolly. Look I'll find you more shit you want here, but until I know that I control the area more, control what could be out there. You're in here. I promise darling. I'll make it safer for you out there. Even if it means finding all of the men out there and making them work for me and make it better. I'd rather you hate me then be dead." With that he rolled over, turned off the light and left me alone in my thoughts.

He wasn't going to let me go.

But I couldn't stay like a bird in a cage.


-Don't hate me. I'm a college student now. I'm trying to update more, it's just hard.

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- Love Tiff/

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