Chapter Three

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Chapter 3: The Dead

Lillianna's P.O.V (Age 5, Flashback)

The Rein family household was quiet on Sunday morning, both children still asleep, won't be getting up like usual till seven-thirty in the morning. Any other day the little girl would be bouncing around, screaming and playing but not on Sundays. Sunday Lilly Rein would stay tucked in her bed, just the way the parents enjoyed the peace and quiet. Soon the smell of bacon and eggs swarmed the household.

Giving the children a burst of delight at the smell of the delicious food. Again nothing would change on this day, as Lilly would go running out to her little flower garden, staring and waiting for what her father told her would be a rose soon. Lilly knew she would just love this rose. She loved the smell of them. The colors. But all happiness died from her face, as weeks later she watched in sadness, the beautiful rose die.



The sound of the old beaten down trucks could be heard following behind and in front of us. They rolled in like an assembly line, and we were in the middle. It's as if they saw his life precious and did what countries would sometimes do to protect their leader. Keep them safe in the middle away from harm. But that was the thing about this man. He didn't seem to need protection from the world. No, it seemed as if possibly the world needed protection from him. And I would sometimes scowl at myself, thinking these rude things about him. He did after all save my life, and my dignity.

But the way he just took charge, and beat the man to death. Just crushing his skull, and killing him with not even a blink of an eye.

"You're gonna love it at the sanctuary doll. So bada*s and I take full credit for making it that way." Negan laughed as he kept his left hand on the wheel, while his right messed with his beard. I noticed he did that a lot.

"Ugh." He mutters loudly, causing me to look back over at him to see him staring in the rear-view mirror. "This son' of a b*tch is getting prickly again, gotta shave this sh*t." He states before looking over at me. "Don't you agree?" He asks. I don't think he wanted to know my opinion, just wanted to get me to talk to him.

I shrugged in response while he rolled his eyes before looking back at the road. He clearly wasn't satisfied with my lack of words. I wasn't gonna feed him what he wanted. Not till I knew more about him. The way he murdered someone so fast shows me he possibly could have done it many times before, who's to say I wasn't next? Um. No thanks. I'd rather not be taken out by some ba-

"Who's Lucille?" I questioned. Remembering now of what he was repeating earlier. He gave me a confused look before responding a quiet 'huh'.

"Lucille, you kept saying it earlier when you-"

"Bashed that dummies head clean open? Go on say it. Pretty cool and bada*s right? Aha. That's one of the few things in this world, that gives me a.... thrill." He states. Well then. Now I know he's crazy. Good to know I think. "And to answer your question Lucille is that beautiful master piece right behind you." He smirked, nodding his head to the small back area behind our seats. I look over and see that he is referring to the bat. Wrapped in barbed wire, and that mans.... blood.

"Pretty amazing huh? Made the pretty little lady myself. Got a mind of her own, I tell you that." He laughs, his laugh sending chills up and down my spine at the thought of him killing me with that. "Now don't you worry your pretty little head." He tapped on my head with one hand, causing me to flinch and push whatever hair he messed up back down.

"She like's you. Oh boy yes she does." He grins like a maniac at me. "She likes you a lot, which means well. I guess you're in the safe zone for now."

I could feel my breathing accelerate with all this chatter about his bat. He acted as if it were living, and had thoughts. His craziness drove me over the edge. He had to be messing with me.

"But doll." He tells me. I look at him, worry filled in my eyes at his 'but'. "Word of advice, don't piss her off. She can really leave a mean bite."


After our crazy conversation over his bat or 'Lucille', we stayed silent for the rest of the way to the sanctuary. Soon enough I watched as we were pullin' into large gates. I looked out my window to see a few people, scattered across the entry way. As if they were waiting for his arrival.

"Welcome to the Sanctuary doll. We are still getting more and more people every now and then, seeing the dead started to rise not so long ago, but we are getting there. I'm getting our system all set up."

"So are you the leader?"

"Damn right I am, the dead start walking around, people get scared, people get scared and they get stupid. When you're stupid. You die." He says seriously. "All these fine folks just ran in behind me, ha. Save a few people from those freaks and you're a hero." He opens his door and gets out, soon slamming the metal door shut and walking over to my side. I start to open the door but he gives me a look. A look that tells me to stay put. I do as told, or well told by his demanding look and stay still, not wanting to anger this strange man. He opens the door and holds out a hand for me to take.

"Now, I know the dead is alive, but that doesn't mean chivalry dies, we keep civilization and manners alive, no matter what." I take his hand and hop out of the car. He slams the door shut behind me and faces some scary looking men that are staring and surrounding us. Some from earlier that surrounded me when that whole situation went down.

"Everyone, welcome Lillianna. Now remember each new member is important to our group, so welcome her as we did each and every one of you." The men don't speak.

Only a few nodding at their leader as a sign of respect. Why do they listen to him? He seems mean and a bit crazy, you'd think someone would be better fit to lead and guide them to safety in this harsh new reality.

I feel Negan lean over to my ear, my breathing getting up there again.

"Welcome to the Sanctuary, Darlin'."

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