Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen - Heal

Third POV

Lifting her into his arms, Negan held her close into his chest almost cradling her. He was afraid that if he let go someone would hurt her again.

"C'mon you shïts. lets get the hell out of this place." The leader demanded and his people followed through with the orders. No one dared to say how gentle or caring Negan was coming off, because in the end they knew he'd kill them, probably still holding onto Lilly.

"Greg grab Lucille, don't you break her or It'll be your neck." Greg gulped but carefully grabbed onto Lucille, Negans top possesion, well maybe now one of them. Negan was furious, he hated men who hurt women, took advantage of them. He thought they were cowards. But he also hated himself. He blamed himself for letting her be snatched into dangers arms. He didn't know what he'd do if he lost someone else he cared about, he couldn't do it again... not after....

"Lets go home boys, I'm in need of a fûcking nap. Don't disturb me unless someone is dying or you will be."

Setting Lillianna on the seat, he took of his leather jacket and put it on her, wanting to help warm her up. "There you go doll, we'll be home soon, hang on okay?"

The only response he got was a slight hum, he sighed before shutting the door and making his way to the drivers spot. He had to make it up to her. She deserved better than this.

Back at the sanctuary, Negan layed her on his soft bed, hoping to grant her some comfort. The guilt of letting her get harmed was killing him. It was eating at what he thought was his cold dead heart. But nope. The guilt whispered little shïtfüll things in his ear.

She almost died because of you.

He needed to protect her. Even if she rejected. He had to. For her. He knew she'd be angry. But at least she'd be alive.

"She'll be okay, sir." the Doc stated as he tended to her wounds. "The young lady will wake soon but will need rest." he recommended, but not demanding. No one demanded Negan. Except...

"She will stay right here. You got that for fücking sure. " Negan nodded as the doc was cleaning the scars on her face.

The doctor hummed at Negans words but then looked over at him in worry.

"Is she hurt, um... Anywhere else?" Negan knew what he meant. But he wouldnt let anyone near her lower body. Not even himself.

"That will wait till she wakes."

"Sir, there could be an infection-"

"I know doc... I know." Negan sighed thinking to himself. He didn't know what to do. She could be badly cut down on her lower stomach. However wouldn't the blood seep through? Her shirt was stained with blood. But was it fresh?

"Step out. Go get some towels." his voice shaking with worry. The doc doing as told and Negan started pulling at her torn shirt. His breath stopped as he saw cuts scattered across her stomach. Black and blue painting her skin with a sickly dark red. Blood. He had failed her.

Cleaning the cuts under her breasts, as he stayed clear of doing anything that would make her uncomfortable. He did his best until he heard a knock on the door. "Come in."

After Negan covered her breasts and lower body with towels... He allowed doc to tend that injuries on her stomach and legs.

"She'll be okay sir. She's safe now."

Was she?

Lillianna's Point Of View

"Don't get up." Rubbing my eyes, my head snaps over to the source of the noise. Negan was sitting at the end of the bed- his bed since I realized we were in his room.

"You're still injured, you need to rest. So your little asś is staying right there." His finger pointing at me, as if I was some child who got in trouble. My head was aching with pain as the bruises and cuts were finally making their presence known.


"No, don't talk," His groggy voice interupted my hoarse one. It hurt to speak. "You're gonna listen to me. I messed up. I know and I'm, shīt doll I'm so sorry." His voice cracking. I couldn't believe he was apologizing. He didn't hurt me. They did.

"I should have protected ya, yet my còcky asś got you almost killed. And for that I'm sorry. And you can be angry with me for this but..."

He sighed. But what? Why am I gonna be angry? I didn't want to deal with this right now. I really just wanted to sleep. To close my eyes and drift away... far away.

"You can't leave the sanctuary. Not for a while. Now I know your smart and brave but you almost died today,"

"What?!" I yelled, this wasn't okay. He couldn't do this to me. I had the right to leave. I make my own choices. "You gonna keep me prisoner here huh? Not happening."

He shook his head at me, running his hand over his beard. "I don't want to. Not prisoner. But if thats what I have to do. I will. I will lock your asś up in a room." He threatened. He's crazy!

"You are crazy! Absolutely crazy Negan! I can't be trapped alone."

"You won't be alone! It's only for a while. Now I don't trust my shït men to be with you and keep you comfortable while you're healing so I need you to meet someone. You'll like them. They will keep you company-"

"No Negan! No I want to be free!" I yelled, but he wasn't listening to me. It was going in one ear and out the other.

"Hush now, please just meet your new guest, don't be rude." He scowled at me which caused me to get even angrier. "Come in here please!" He shouted towards the door, probably whoever the hell this "guest" is.

"Lilly please meet Sherry."

Welp. Its been forever but here you gooooooooooo. I missed writing them. Till next time. -x tiff

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