Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13:

Negan's POV

Watching her run away, made me want to punch someone, more specifically myself. How could I say that? Especially to her. My cheek was still stinging because damn she hit hard, if anyone else would have done that I would have locked them away. I couldn't with her. One I couldn't lock her away again. I wouldn't do that. And two I really believed I deserved it.

I was so stupid. So fûcking stupid. I just didn't want her stubborn asś dead. I didn't care if she hated me, as long as she was alive to do so. I mean I would care if she did hate me, I would just prefer it over her being dead. For some reason her life meant something to me. She almost reminded me of her.

Yet she was so different. Lillianna was strong and outspoken, but she was soft and fragile. So strange, yet so admirable. She didn't belong here. This place or in this world. It would ruin her like it ruined whatever was once even considered good in me.

"Sir, is something wrong?" Jimmy asked as I walked past him to my room. I internally groaned at the presence of another human being. I did not need to deal with anyone right now.

"No. Go away." I demanded, and of course I could hear his footsteps behind me. I turned quickly. "I said fûckïng go!"

"But sir, there are three people here asking for shelter, they've been out there a while. Tod says it's up to you to admit them." He blurts out, and for a moment I stop and think. Why do I have to decide? I normally decide only if I'm there or if it's a big group of people.

"Why can't he? He a fücking dumbaśś?" I snap, feeling quite annoyed.

"We believe one might be costly. She's sick sir. Diabetic." Crap. That means we would need more meds. Meds cost a shít ton.

"Tell him let them in for now, I'll decide tomorrow or not if they can stay for good." I state. Jimmy nods and runs off like a little puppy fetching a ball for his master. Being a leader could get so fucking tiring. But it defenitely has it's perks. Like... being in charge. And getting what I want. When I want.

"Wait Jimmy boy!" I called after him as he scurried back to answer me.

"Yes sir?"

"Let me see this, sick girl." I needed to clear my thoughts of her.


Lillianna's POV

It's been a few hours since I ran from him. He didn't come and check on me. But then again I told him to leave me alone, so I couldn't really complain could I? I just couldn't believe he said that shīt to me! He continues to doubt me, never giving me the chance to prove myself. I refuse to sit by and obey him as if he owned me. He may have saved me, but he does not control nor own my life and my life choices. This is my life.

I've been staring out a window, for about an hour. No not just staring. But sketching. Sketching the outside world, the freedom, the path to a painful yet once beautiful world. That world is gone. It's dead and we are here to just rot away. To fight as long as we can. But for what? Is this our way of living now? No this is surviving not living.

I want to live.

Setting the sketch book down, I grab my jacket and my knife. Sliding my arms through the warm sleeves, I crack open my door. Nobody in sight. I close the door and let the ground beneath me carry me away. Down the halls. Through doors, hiding from the guards wondering around.

Making my way to an exit gate, trees blinding my view. Filling me with a want for freedom.

"Where the fùck you going?" I turn around. Negan. Of course.

"Go away Negan, I'm done." I state.

He laughs. "Done? Done with what? Life, because you're gonna basically be comitting suicide if you step outside the safety of these gates."

"Safety? Damn it Negan! You can't keep me here!"

"Yes, yes i can darling." He steps forwards as I step back.

"So what, I'm a prisoner? Gonna lock me away again?" I croak. His grin falls.

"No. Not in those cells at least. Damn it Lillianna, just fückíng listen for once okay? I know you're hurting. But you can't fúcking leave. Not now. It's not safe." He sneered at me. His brows creasing, eyes dark grey. He's pissed.

He's concerned.

"I wanna go outside! I'm stronger than you think! I can do this shit! Give me the chance!" I yell at him. I watched as two guards now saw us, and were walking our way.


"No?! That's all you got to say? No! Fùck you Negan!" I scream and march forward pushing him back a bit. Bad choice. The guards lifted their guns in my direction, ready to protect their leader.

"Stand down." He commanded, and they did as told.

He stepped forward. He put a hand on my face, as I scowled at him. He ran his fingers over my cheeks. "You really want to go out there on a run?" He asks softly. I nod at him, practicly begging him to allow me to go. "Okay."

Wait what?

"Next run is tomorrow. I'm going with. But so can you. But my terms is we start small, you stay with me. Understand?" He demands.

"I understand."

"Good, now excuse me. I have to get back to someone. I'm - having a small meeting. I just was informed of your adventure. Come on lets get back inside. You need sleep for your big day."


Third POV

Negan sat there, across from the beautiful lady. Her short hair, and bright eyes made her seem so lively and kind. They weren't as bright as Lilly's though. 'Shut up' he thought.

"So it's you, your sister, and her husband yes?" Negan sips on his whiskey. Loving the burning taste. The girl nods her head, wanting him to accept them.

"Yes, yes sir. Sherry and Dwight." She mutters, crossing her leg over the other.

"Can any of you fight?" He needed fighters. This was an empire he was building, an empire that needed an army.

"Dwight can hunt, and kill those, dead things. Not to sure about the living sir. We were pretty lucky to not cross many people." Negan is watching her, watching her bite her lip and not looking him in the eyes.

Lilly bites he- shut the fück up. No more about her right now. Focus. Hot girl.

"Well we can definitely train him, can't we?" Negan asks, adding a small smirk. She nods and smiles at him softly. "What about you? Or Sherry?"

"Possibly Sherry. But I don't think I can sir. My blood sugar gets too low when I move to much without food, or insulin to control it." Negan nods, remembering her Diabites.

"Alright. Well I think we can get your meds figured out."

Her eyes glowed with hope. "We're in?"

"Welcome, to the Sanctuary.... Tina."


Hi! Here is another chapter. Looks like we got new characters. EEk. I'm sorry it took a bit. But I wanted to give a good chapter. So many ideas, so many ways to put it. I hope you enjoyed it! Comment! Vote! Till next time!

- xx Tiff/ Believe

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